Initiate's Trial: Third Sneak Peak - scavenger hunt

originally posted by Brittani


Only I am dealing with pneumonia and college finals at the same time.

But I am very very happy about the tid bit. I wonder if the term "bagged" was used in sarcasm?

originally posted by squeak

It took me a bit, but I found it! Thank you Janny for the snippet. I came out of lurk again -I will be out for break soon (which I desparately need from my students):slight_smile: and will probably re-read the tid bit again. I have, however, given up on pre-guessing overmuch. I am never correct and enjoy the surprises all the more.

Lee Ball

originally posted by Kimberly Israel

Read the snippet (a tease, as always - way too short!) but am confused - is Sandtiger Julie Czerneda? Because if so, and if she stops here, I need to take a minute to rave about the "Species Imperative" series where she can actually hear me!

originally posted by Trys


No Sandtiger is not Julie Czerneda. Sandtiger is Jana Paniccia also a Canadian author and co-editor of Under Cover of Darkness with Julie. :smiley:


A wave to Squeak, and the other delurkers - and Kimberly, you can tell Julie how pleased you were with her title in her newsgroup at, where the snippet was posted.

originally posted by motley

snippity yum. Thanks for the birthday/yuletide offering - also been a-moving and a-christmassing. Just found it!


originally posted by Sundancer

Happy New Year Janny and all

Thanks for the snippet Janny, lovely Christmas present and another tantalising glimpse, though I am much relieved to learn there are still clan-folk about protecting the deep wilds.

I love Dakar's evolution - one day I'll make a collection of all the ways Janny describes him - some of the best are in Vastmark I think, just before he starts to change. But now he's not an apprentice any more (or does the reference to his 'former master' mean Asandir has gone from Athera?), and yet he still manages to make mistakes.

Now there's a wild bit of speculation - Davien has broken the dragons' binding and the F7 have scarpered off to Alithiera and left the rest of the humans to look after themselves (and Athera). Even if they could - would they abandon us all mid-stream before the Paravian restoration was assured?

Just remembered that Asandir makes appearances in both other previews, but I still like the image of them all flitting off to heaven together and abandoning all their earthly cares.

originally posted by Craftsman

[Quotes Traitor's Knot, therefore spoilers]

Davien:"…We are bound to our fate. Paravian survival will be enforced, since our fellowship has not found the means to break the binding the great drakes laid over us."
Arithon:"Would you try?"

Davien:"Ciladis would willingly speak on that point, if you should ever chance to encounter him. Whatever he might say, the primary issue was never in doubt. Paravian survival is paramount."

Point of interest, that Davien's answer could imply that Ciladis had a different veiw on the subject…

[Stormed Fortress Spoilers]

Also, with Seshkrozchiel hanging around, do you think that the Fellowship could really manage to break their bindings? To quote Janny in the FAQs, "you do NOT want to get entangled with a Drake"

originally posted by Trys

But what would Ciladis's point of view be… for or against?

originally posted by Craftsman

Ciladis is the most joyful of the fellowship, and the one who took the leaving of the paravians the hardest - it is hard to imagine him willingly abandoning them to die.

However, there is also Janny's comment in the FAQ's… that Ciladis has two colours because he changed. Davien's comment is that the Paravians are the most important, whatever Ciladis might say. That would imply to me that Ciladis thought differently.

To summarise, our illustrious author has us all tied up in knots, and our pale attempts to fathom her intentions are all in vain! :smiley:

originally posted by Sundancer

['ware Spoilers]

Craftsman quote of Janny: "You do NOT want to get entangled with a Drake"

Hmmm, so what has happened to Davien this book with his entanglement with Seshkroschiel? Has it dragged him off all unwilling to adventures he never foresaw?

How has it changed the dragons?

Craftsman, I have always interpreted the conversation about Ciladis as being one where Davien states/implies Ciladis expected Davien to want to break the drake's binding more than he cared for Paravian survival. I find it hard to believe Ciladis would value the Paravians less than Davien does. Still, interesting suggestion… Janny excels at the ambiguous and tripping us on our assumptions.