Wiki Paravia

originally posted by Alissa

Thank you so much for your great work! This wiki is invaluable !!! And happy Grand Conspiracy :smiley:

originally posted by Alissa

Thank you so much for your great work! This wiki is invaluable !!! And happy Grand Conspiracy :smiley:


Janny's hard at work revising Destiny's Conflict, but she's asked me to pass this on to you since her user account's gotten messed up and she hasn't had the time to straighten it out yet:


I wanted to cheer him, and also to say any reader out there is invited to help him with this project - that's what a wiki does, it allows everyone to contribute.

I'd add my own "keep up the excellent work" to her praise and challenge any readers out there to lend a hand and see if we can get the wiki closer to the current story arc before the next book comes out :smiley: