To Ride Hell's Chasm Review

originally posted by Alissa

Hi all :smiley:

To Ride Hell's Chasm, epic fantasy lushness.

My thoughts on

The standalone novel which started it all.

originally posted by Mark Stephen Kominski

Nice review, Alissa. The books that started it all for me (though I didn't know it at the time, and only recently discovered the stories were hers) were Janny's contributions to the Elfquest series, then Sorcerer's Legacy and the Empire series with Ray Feist. To Ride Hell's Chasm is as good a place as any to start, though, and BOY do you have a LOT of reading to do! :wink:

(I envy you the task…enjoy!)

originally posted by Alissa

Thank you Mark!
Ahahaha, an ambitious agenda, oh yes, my current love for the big series has shifted my reading priorities quite a bit.
I still have to read Sorcerer's Legacy and the Empire series and I'm sure I'll like them, I'm very curious particularly about the latter since I'm going to read it coming from Janny Wurts solo works and not the other way about.
I read the Master of White Storm after Hell's Chasm and before Curse of the Mistwraith, another wonderful book.
Short stories for the Elfquest series? Ah :smiley:

originally posted by Mark Stephen Kominski

Kinda sorta 'round a later book in the Elfquest line, "The Blood of Ten Chiefs". Easier to grab in her short stories book, "That Way Lies Camelot", though!

originally posted by Alissa

:smiley: That Way Lies Camelot is very active on my to be read list. The only problem is that it is not available in e-format ;_;

originally posted by Clansman

Alissa, there's this amazing technology called a book. Bunch of paper, bound together with glue and thread, available for free in these old buildings called 'libraries', and for low cost in second-hand book stores.

AND, it never needs batteries or to be plugged into anything. I took a book into the wilds of Algonquin Park last summer, and it worked just fine.

Just jerkin' your technological chain!


originally posted by Alissa

Yup, and it doesn't break when you make it fall on the floor too. Unfortunately, no library in my Country would have an English book BUT you are totally right. High time for something new in my reading habits, for Janny's short stories.
Well, I've googled Algonquin Park and I admit I would go there anytime.
I have a picture, taken on the beach, with me reading a 1500+ pages book, among the rocks. Santa Maria di Leuca in Puglia, Italy. No phone cameras back then, but boy if it wasn't fulfilling!

e book for That Way Lies Camelot is in the pipe - not sure when, though.

originally posted by Alissa

Thank you! :smiley: I would love it. I see the only option now is a used paperback or hardcover, but I'd really love to buy it in e-format. I stay tuned!