Stormed Fortress: Status Updates

originally posted by Arend

Rollin, rollin, rollin… :smiley:

You're a train, you're a train, you're a chokachoo train! Janny!

553, and messing with adjustments before primary test read. 9's on the think burner…

This one will crack a few eyes open…

originally posted by Hunter

and a few heads? :smiley:

originally posted by Jay_Jay

That's the S'Brydion's job! :smiley:

8's fussed into shape for draft.

9 kicks off tomorrow…

ah, well, I confess, we played hookey today and got to visit a Major private art collection in Tampa. Worth it too! Has both of us frothing to play in the paints.

Tomorrow - methinks the scene opens in Dame Dawr's carriage, or someplace thereabouts…enter a sequence of fast, furious and wickedly personal Repercussions…gonna mull that one over a drawing, I think.

originally posted by Blue

WOOHOO! Dawr is SO cool!

I like how she was able to keep up with our green eyed boy. Had she decided to mother him, I think Arithon would have truly met his match. :smiley: I also wonder how Morriel/Selidie would fare matched up against the lovely s'Brydion matriarch.

originally posted by Walt

I'm not sure what would happen in that match-up, but for the Morriel/Selidie better pray to Ath that there aren't any reasonably sharp objects within reach of the resourceful Dame Dawr! Then again, Dawr would be just as likely to whallop M/S round about the ears just for the pleasure of stinging the Korriani Prime to abject humiliation. My apologies to the venerable Dame: no weapons would be needed other than her own two hands.

originally posted by Blue

Or that razor sharp tongue, don't forget, Walt! She can keep Bransian, Keldmar, Parrien and Mearn in line. I don't think Morriel/Selidie would stand a chance!

originally posted by Neil

I love it when fans *do* the "A v. B match" and the popular character wins :wink:

Morriel presumably would have little trouble with Dawr :wink: Even Arithon has had problems with Morriel and he has been lucky but innovative so far…

I reread a little of COTM last night. The rathain jewels could potentially render Ariton's gifts "unmanageable". So can Arithon cause problems since he does not have some of the restrictions that the F7 have? Or is that unmanageable by himself? Is he heading for another fall? When(!) he accepts crownship presumably he'll receive the jewels. Would Davien expose him to this risk?

I get the feeling that SF wll resolve some short term action things (S'brydian,Koriani) but the larger issues (wraiths,paravians) will have to wait for arcs 4 and 5… So whilst we may enjoy another rollercoaster ride, there is still a fair way to go :slight_smile:

I do hope the s'Brydians take Arithon's advice at east in part…seems too risky for them to stay put…they are master strategists and they're not stupid but perhaps stubborn…

originally posted by Nathan

For those of you who have read "The Magician" By Raymond Feist you may recall a similar stand-off to the one that seems imminent for the S'brydian clan. Arutha, prince of Crydee, had to hold off an immense army of the Tsuranni form storming his castle. Then once again later on in the Riftwar saga against Murmadamus the Mordhel King in "A Darkness at Sethanon".

This kind of scenario is really exciting to read and I think that we're in for an immense battle scene. What a showdown! The self righteous Princeling himself against a stubborn, war-hardened brood that make the Navy Seals look like infants.

I can't wait to see how this conflict pans out Janny, you have no idea how much I want to get my hands on SF.

Janny, how would you rate the amount of enjoyment you are getting from writing this installment of WOLAS compared to the previous books? I just get the impression this one is giving you a great deal of satisfaction to write.

and’hi to everyone in this chat area, good to hear from so many enthused readers.

rubbing hands together - hah!! - suppositions… :smiley:

This book? Well - look out for your socks, and everything else, and if you have a wig, nail it on.

Parts of this book - really fun. Parts - really intricate! Parts of it - should I ask if a few opened mouths caught some flies?

It IS the ending of an arc, and the largest arc, too, with a lot of major set ups coming to a head.

How much enjoyment? Sometimes it's a carousel ride, sometimes a swing, sometimes a rocket, sometimes a parachute run with the ripcord at the last second, and sometimes it's a balloon ride, so high in the clouds you can hear the texture of the silence.


originally posted by Blue


status: resume, p. 4 chapter 9.

originally posted by neil

Thanks Janny for these posts. Keep on writing; we'll handle the speculation :slight_smile:

I just really want to see the paravians back on paravia and on the page a little more…if they come back, does Sethvir get freed up from the earthlink? And how will humanity never be a risk and the F7 be free?

I think that the Paravians might be quite a scary presence, after all…not at all patient with unruly humans but the F7 mentionned paravians "justice" which would not err…whilst the drake binding seems to enforce an axe hanging over humanity.

Arithon seems well capable of avoiding Lysaer now…the clans will becomes scapegoats again perhaps…Davien / Arithon's future projects seem key (they are going be even less friendly to the koriani in their next meeting)…Kevor seems a wildcard too…Lysaer can only kill humans…how can the towns break the compact? The free wraiths are going to arrive? Elaira…where's her path now I wonder?

wonder away.

Status: page count 560 and climbing…9's well underway, now.

page 563, a scene break, and call it a day.

originally posted by wolfhunter

Hi Janny,
great you are having fun writing the next book, rubbing hands and teasing, teasing…
Anyway I have always been into adventure sports, so bring it on, I am ready for the ride. I am sure so is everybody else.
Just hope Dakar is in again on Arithons scheeming, he is just so much fun, I was missing his fun side a little, he was being so serious lately (of course for good reason), apart from the latter part in TK, which was good fun.
Maybe just one little hint, is the next book going to be over 800 pages?

well, I didn't actually call it a day. Another half page snuck in.

Then, the next day, that scene got bumped ahead, for another scene coming FIRST.
Then the fragment finished itself. (heh! Will anyone spoil THIS? Better nail shut some mouths, for whosevers hot little mitts get ahold of this book first) Another wig-flopper, perhaps…

18 pages into Ch 9 main, with a view to the end AND official count launching today - 571

Wolfhunter - you asked. If you mean manuscript, I'd say, past any question. Printed book pages condense the text. This book will be par for the course, for this series. Dunno yet where the end count will fall. It's a touch early to project.

The cascade that carries the ending is Very dense, but it moves very very fast, as well.

Major stuff coalesces and ties up.

originally posted by neil

What can I say? For the fans, this book has to be THE book.

Well…until the next one anyway…

originally posted by Andy H

just re reading the complete series (to date)and just pray this will be released by the time I'm done, thankfully I dont get to sit for hours on end reading as I did when i originally read them. So there really is no rush to get it finished.(takes off reverse psychology hat)