Status report

originally posted by Trys


For which city employees is that newspaper?

Trys <– being curious

Thanks!!! Annettevk - if this review gets published, make sure to send me a copy - if you do, very good chance it will be reprinted in the "comments" section of the US edition of Stormed Fortress… :smiley:

originally posted by max

Thank you Janny, that is just what I did. Am now waiting the mail every day with drooling tongue and rolling eyes. [I think I may have frightened the mail carrier] It could possibly be the way I growled when he didn't have my book yet.!! [grinning at ya]

originally posted by annettevk

Trys: Los Angeles.
Janny: I will do so, thanks very much.

originally posted by annettevk

Hello. Me again. I am trying to get the address to Meisha Merlin so I can get the bookplate but for the life of me I can't find it on their website or this one. I know that it is here somewhere but it seems to be alluding me. Can someone please help? Thanks a million.

originally posted by Trys


Oh, large distribution. :smiley:

(email removed) or (email removed)


originally posted by annettevk

Thanks Trys but will they answer an e-mail in order to give me the snail mail address? I should have specified in my previous post that I am looking for the mailing address. I will try to e-mail them and see if I get a response. Thanks again.

originally posted by Trys


Oooops, didn't realize you were asking for a physical address. A Google search turned up:

Meisha Merlin Publishing
PO Box 7
Decatur, GA 30031

originally posted by annettevi

Thanks Trys, I did find that but I thought it was for the George Martin book. I didn't realize that it was for general mail. But I just received an answer to my e-mail from Meisha Merlin and they provided the same address. Thanks very much,

originally posted by max

AH HA!!! It finally came in the mail. After licking the mail carrier's face I trotted off with my tail wagging to chew it up. And will let you know how it tasted later. [grinning at ya]

originally posted by Trys



And will let you know how it tasted later.

What?!! The carrier's face?! ::wink::


originally posted by max

No Trys, the taste of the book [grinning] however I'm still chewing. I am pretty sure it tastes much better than the carrier's face as he probably tastes like aftershave or something. [HHMMM, I wonder how Aramis tastes!!??] [grinning at ya]

originally posted by Scott W

Well, I posted on this forum in mid-June. I had moved roughly the same time MM sent out TK. So the book went to my old address, unbeknownst to myself. Of course they sent it back to MM. When I finally realized that the book had come out, I sent an email to MM and posted something on their messageboard. These, of course, went unanswered for about a week or so, until I received a very curt response via email: 'I'll look into sending out another book to you.' That was June 15. Since then I have not received the book, nor heard anything back from MM. They have not responded to any of my numerous emails. I did receive the bookplate, however, because my mail was forwarded.

So I suppose that this is where my readership ends. I have given up on hoping to read TK. I refuse to purchase another copy, based purely on principle alone. My money will be supporting other small presses.

I would implore Janny to search out another small press for Stormed Fortress. Night Shade, Subterranean, PS publishing, Golden Gryphon, or Four Walls, Eight Windows. Anything but MM.

Scott W -

I am not sure what intent you had in creating the above post.

You are the ONLY reader I have yet seen who has not received the book, when ordered (and it was sent, once, just what may have happened on the rebound, I don't know)
If you wished (me) to check and see what may have gone wrong, a slap in my face isn't much motivation.

The loser in the end - you decide. If you wanted to make everyone feel bad because something isn't running right - well - fixing it is better to my mind.

I won't try to change yours.

If not for Meisha Merlin, this book would NOT be available in the US at all. Of the two employees, one is MEANT to be on complete maternity leave, but was in with infant in tow shipping these books. Stephe was on the road for two major national trade shows (BEA and ALA) which are critical to the expansion he's undertaken. Both required far more effort than the "actual time" he was on the floor in Chicago and NY.

The company is in expansion - growing pangs are normal. I have not heard of anyone else not receiving a book - genuine inquiries are followed up on.

Quitting tempests don't leave me much option, do they - ?

If you want help, then ask. If you want to lash out for no other reason than angst for a problem that could, quite easily, become rectified - I refuse to be intimidated.

I respond to even unpleasant (private) e mails, and have always assisted my readers, where possible.

I will ask, since you are (perhaps) just over the top due to intense frustration and disappointment: (a move can be stressful enough, I'll grant that :smiley:


originally posted by Scott W

Let me apologize for my earlier post. I was just venting a little, because quite frankly, I find the whole situation very frustrating. Poor customer service is a big pet peeve of mine. The only email addresses that I have for MM is (email removed) and (email removed). The only one that seems to work is the orders one, and that is sporadic. The rest of my emails get bounced back to me. My only communication back from MM was this:

I'll see about getting you sent a new book because it was shipped to your old address

[quoted from email]

that was June 15. I have heard nothing in over a month. At any rate, I was just venting. If you do happen to have an opportunity to pass along information to MM my email is:
drbloodmoney [at] gmail [dot] com
I purchased the book from their website on February 1st, 2005 with a visa.


The problem is being addressed.

originally posted by Kitsune

I'm glad that things are being worked out for you, ScottW. As a veteran of many moves myself, I can understand how the smallest thing can be somewhat offputting. But you don't want to give up on the whole series because of one bad experience, do you? :smiley:

And Janny, needless to say, I think it's cool the amount of dedication that you show not only to your craft but your fans.

And, hopefully, Meisha Merlin will be past their "growing pangs" when it comes time for "Stormed Fortress." :smiley:

That's the plan, in action. Part of the reason we won't "announce" what we are planning for the pub date for that volume, yet - we don't want the flack from people, if the date needs to be shifted (for whatever reason, including my own turn-in date).

It's not worth projecting a probable plan when folks get offended if what was probable isn't what turns out to be possible.

Another good writing day, today - and one scene from closing a main chapter. So my timing's on, anyway…:smiley:

originally posted by Hunter

An "fun" balancing act between "as soon as possible" and "when it's ready".

Like the great scene in "The Incredibles" when Dash asks "are we there yet?" and Mr. Incredible says, with great restraint but immense frustration - "We get there when we get there…" :smiley:

Scott W - the happy ending is in sight. I spoke to Lynn at Meisha Merlin (Both she and Stephe were out of town, selling books at a convention, and yes, the infant in tow).

Your shipping label is printed with your new address, and the book will shortly be packed for Fed Ex shipment. You should have it in the next week/week and a half depending on pick up.

Out of all shipments sent, there were only three books returned for "change of address" reasons - the others went out. Yours tangled with the pack-up and return from two of the country's largest book trade shows, the con in Tulsa, and a holiday weekend…the catch-up factor at the home office understandably snowballed under that schedule (the trade shows being NECESSARY to the now national distribution Meisha has undertaken.)

(other things than you, and my book piled up - this publisher does more than one title, remember! and a George Martin title came out in roughly the same time frame.) There was no malicious or laggard intent, here.

May you enjoy the book, when it arrives. I have trust that the product will live up to your expectations.

Apologies for the delay. There are (at the moment) only so many hands to do the work. As this company grows, (and it is in the process!) this too will improve.

This company is on the track to becoming a serious contender - and I would like to have my books help be a part of assisting with that success.