New Cycle of Fire category

originally posted by Amanda Bourque

I've read the CoF series at least 4 or 5 times since I first found it about 15 years ago…In fact I just finished the last one again about 15 minutes ago and decided to see if there would ever be another one. How excited I am to see the possiblity of Starhope! It's always sad to end a good series, especially when you become so attatched to the characters. Hopefully one day Starhope will be written and I can visit that world again! :smiley:

Hi Amanda - welcome here! So pleased to hear from you, and yes, the chance to do that last volume would be Very Cool.

originally posted by Clansman

I just finished a re-read of CoF. I really had forgotten how bloody good this series was. While not as deep as WoLaS, CoF still gives you a real 'FEEL' for the world in which it is set, and of the differences in the various characters. I hadn't read it since the late 1980s or early 1990s (don't remember which, but it was before CotMW).

Like Amanda, I want to see Starhope. The ending of Shadowfane seemed akin to a WoLaS ending: typically great resting place, but more story remains to be told. I would love to see how Jaric and Taen and the Vaere train others to cope with a multiple Sathid bond, and take the battle to the Morrigierj off world. Another few books, perhaps?

originally posted by Mark Stephen Kominski

You can add my vote for Starhope, also. Stormwarden was my introduction to your wonderful stuff, and I too would love to see what else you had in store. Just think, the off world Morrigierj prove too strong, the planet is decimated, becoming a bleak, mistly place eventually renamed as Marak… :wink:

Heh, nope. Grin.

The Light and Shadows bit of the universe is not connected with Cycle of Fire…no link at all between the stories.

originally posted by Mark Stephen Kominski

It was worth a try. Anyone who's read Marvel comics for any appreciable period of time is classically conditioned *bell rings* to look for the crossover. Hope all is well with you, Good Talespinner.

Definitely good with me - see update in the status thread.

originally posted by Annabelle Bok Xin Yi

Hi! Am new to this corner of the web. :smiley:

Just thought to mention that Stormwarden was the very first book by Janny that I picked up, back in the late 1990s ’ I then spent weeks hunting down the other two books in public libraries. After that, I would've read ANYTHING you wrote. :smiley:

originally posted by BillBob

First book mentioned on the page when talking about weather in Fantasy, Stormwarden cttarget&utm_medium=Newsletter&utm_term=tordotcom&utm_content=na_readblog_BlogPo st&utm_campaign=Tor

Wow, how cool is that?

Thanks for the heads up!!!

originally posted by Taleia

Hi, I was wondering if there are any plans to release Cycle of Fire as ebooks?

It was one of the first fantasy series' I read and I have a much loved paperback set, but I'm moving overseas soon and won't be able to take them with me.

I just found the audiobooks on Audible which gave me hope there were ebooks out there somewhere, but if there are I've failed to find them.

Thanks for your help.

originally posted by Auna

I'll second wishing for ebook versions.

Hi Taleia,

The immediate plan for the series has fallen through/at work on replacing it STAT.

I make an announcement ASAP when I have the arrangements.

Thanks so much for your query - it matters.