Master of Whitestorm

A reminder notice - The discussion for Master of Whitestorm at in the Fantasy Book Club kicks off March 1st - hop in if you like!

Any chance of a reissue on this one? My paperback is a collection of five glued sections inside a cover by now. :smiley:

originally posted by Laneth Sffarlenn

Heh, you can't get it here in Australia. I've looked and put my name down at second-hand bookstores to get called when it comes in…it's never shown up. And several library districts around melbourne had their copies stolen…

I could always amazon or ebay it…but I'd prefer a new one too - Janny, what's our likelihood? And if not, what do we have to do as your loyal army to generate the result we so crave?

originally posted by Hunter

There are currently five copies for sale via eBay in Australia…

These guys have a copy…
(link removed) not sure if it is new…

The GoodReads - Fantasy Book Club discussion for Master of Whitestorm is now underway (for March).

This is a public group on a public forum, anyone can join.

Here's the link for the Fantasy Book Club

originally posted by Nichole Edwards

Any chance of this being released for the Kindle, or other e-book format? My paperback copy has suffered through many re-reads and now that I have a Kindle I'd love the chance to read this without more wear-and-tear to my precious paper-back.

Hi Nichole Edwards; nothing on the table right this second, but it is a possibility. If you subscribe to the e mail list, you'd be informed of any such release as it happened.

originally posted by Nichole Edwards

Thanks so much! I'll do that. This was the first book of yours I ever read and, on days when I'm not re-reading the CoF series, my favorite of your works.

Happy to announce that the e book version is in production - stay tuned!

originally posted by Neil

Looking forward to this :slight_smile:

I am not sure where my book copy of MoW is these days - I will hopefully stumble on it when (if?!?) I move house later in the year

Hmm hmm…I saw Amazon is looking at offering digital content tied to book purchase…interesting…

google: amazon kindle matchbook


(Slight chage of topic…)

All my CDs I bought on Amazon were given to me on the amazon cloud player on my phone which I thought was clever (but a bit "big brother" (that's Orwell, not the TV program)

I like to buy books (am I "old fashioned" at 43?) but I also like to use my kindle, especially when travelling and I resent having to buy the story twice :frowning:

originally posted by Auna

Oh what a great joy to hear it being available in ebook form! I've become hopelessly addicted to my Kindle and just bought all the WOLAS books for it. I haven't read MoW in years, so this will be almost like reading it for the first time.

Now if only we can get Sorcerer's Legacy in ebook form - my copy is very yellowed and I've begun contemplating typing it into a Word document to spare the old, fragile book.

Page proofs for the upcoming e book of Master of Whitestorm just hit my desk!!!


e pub and mobi are up already at the publisher's link, which (of course) gives our effort the best return.

Amazon Kindle link is included, and the other links to the other venues will be posted here as they go up.

Now's your chance to replace your battered or lost copy, and to TELL A FRIEND!

If you have not read Master of Whitestorm, it is a standalone - and one am proud of to this day. Happy Reading!! (and perhaps if there wants to be discussion, we can opt to open a topic for this title, now it is active again).

Master of Whitestorm first sales links:

Event Horizon Ebooks online store –
