Initiate's Trial Status

originally posted by Tygrr

No thanks!!! What we are lacking in snow, we have made up for with freezing temperatures!!! I have no idea why I haven't moved away from here!!!

originally posted by Sundancer

Come to sunny Australia and bring some of the snow with you - we're still in drought here.

I liked the annotated thermometer - my cat decided it was cold enough to sleep under the covers with me the other night - it only got to about 19Celcius during the day - back to unseasonal 29C today ((85+ fahrenheit for the Americans)

originally posted by Clansman

ONLY 19C!?!?!?!?

I have often thought that if the producers of Survivor really wanted to have the show live up to its name, they'd put a group of their candidates in a place like Alert or Ellesmere Island, instead of some warm Polynesian paradise. To be kind, they would do it in what passes for summer in the far north of Canada, otherwise they would not survive. Try to survive when you have to find food AND keep warm.

They won't though, because there wouldn't be enough skin for their viewers.

I would gladly send some snow to you all down in Oz. Drought is really awful, and we in eastern Canada cannot really appreciate what it is like. Our people on the Canadian prairies know, though.

We had a day of spring-like weather, but are supposed to get about 20 cm of snow and freezing rain tonight. UGH. Wet snow is the worst. It is much harder to shovel than the nice cold dry snow, which is fluffy, and light. My dog likes the snow, but she loves to swim (she's a labrador). We're both ready for spring.

However, it does allow one to enjoy the sheer pleasure of a hot toddy after coming in from the cold (providing you shovel in the evening and not the morning!).

originally posted by Shirley Richards

I'd like to send snow to all the drought stricken areas. Southern U.S. is in that position also. Our last weekend produced a meltdown that has the rivers out of their banks and then Sunday night it froze back down and gave us about 4" of white stuff. Nice wet stuff that is not only hard to shovel but makes driving even more tricky.

For those of us in Iowa, there should be light at the end of the tunnel. April is only a few weeks away. Maybe Mother Nature will give us a break by then. The girl's basketball tournament is over and we're midway through the boys so the temptation to drown us in snow should be about over. *G*

originally posted by Mark Stephen Kominski

Great thermometer, Blue!

Add one more, though:

Capitol Hill frozen solid. Politicians homeless!

originally posted by Mark Timmony

If Janny gets back to Australia I'm booking her in NOW for Galaxy Bookshop! :smiley:

originally posted by Clansman

In keeping with the off-track character of this thread, I wish to announce the following:


What a dumping that was! 53 centimetres (about 21 inches for the metric-impaired). I must have shoveled all weekend.

I would have been quite happy if the Gulf of Mexico had kept that nice moisture down there for you Floridians to enjoy. The snow piles are massive in Ontario, Quebec, NY State, Vermont, NH, Pennsylvania.

Give us your heat. You take our snow.

originally posted by Trys

Actually only a bit of Pennsylvania saw that snow. We here in Southwestern PA got a smattering which is mostly gone now. But Ohio got hammered!!

originally posted by Clansman

I stand corrected. Good thing, too. My wife and kids and I are headed to Lancaster PA for a few days off.

We are going to see "Daniel and the Lion's Den" on March 14.

See you all next weekend.

originally posted by Tygrr

Wow…looks like we dodged the bullet again here in Minnesota!!! Usually, we get buried in snow several times a winter, but not this year. It is all around us just not here…sorry Clansman!!!

originally posted by Zorana Lewis

Yeah, all we've had in the Kingdom of the United (aka UK) is rain…rain…wind…rain…

Do you see a trend here? *grin*

Today we even had something new - rain and wind at the same time! Woot!

*ahem* Yeah. Sarcasm abound. I haven't seen a right ol' snow (as in a few feet of the white stuff) since I was…ooo…8, which is just over 13 years now.

Depressing. I used to like making igloos…or is it iglii? *grin*

originally posted by Lyssabits

I dunno how you people live there. :wink: We've been having a heat wave lately, it's been getting up into the lower 70s lately. Delightful. Rain today though, but only in the morning. And yet, I still find the foggy, cold summer weather in San Francisco depressing. It's basically 65 degrees year-round and I find I miss the desert heat of Los Angeles.

originally posted by max

It's the Garden of Eden here on the northwest coast!! Very little sunshine, lot's of rain, and regular storms with winds in excess of 100 mph or more. Keeps the air real fresh, don't ya know!

originally posted by Erik-Berndt Scheper

Any updates on this topic? I understand that you're getting annoyed with winter hardships, but the only thing I learned from the posts above is why mages can transmute poison: Janny confessed that she hates them.

Any chance we're past the 200 page mark yet? (600?).

Erik-Berndt Scheper - Welcome Here!

For you? I'll do a count and see - stay posted.

(wry wink) you could, of course, spur things on - see the thread Rumpus Time in the General Discussions topic. :smiley:

The status page count would be 161, still pounding it through the beginning stages. Feels very like working at the start of Fugitive Prince…start of an arc…

originally posted by Joelle Ullathorne

Well I've just finished reading the series so far from start to finish with my first reading of SF. I've been reading them since I was 14 (12 years ago). I love them! I have to admit that I was under the impression when I settled down with SF that it was the last book. Imagine my surprise when I found this site and the joy/horror of Arc 4 and 5.

You cannot write quick enough for my liking Miss Wurts!!! I will be on tenterhooks until the next one is done. Any progress?

Hi Joelle - welcome here - yes, there's progress.

The chapter section I was working on is done, and the next one, well started and moving along. There's been a little pause to complete a short story, due immediately, but I'm polishing the language, now, and ought to be back on the bigger work later today.

originally posted by Joelle Ullathorne

Ooh I'm so excited!!! I have to admit to being madly in love with Arithon and have been since I was 14. It's nice to be up to speed with the books but the wait for the next one will kill me. Ah well, they say anticipation makes it sweeter.

Looking forward to it!

originally posted by Stephen Kenneally

Wow, there's an updates thread! And a name! *is very excited*