Initiate's Trial: First Sneak Preview

originally posted by Shuvra Ray

I'm new to the website but not new to the wonderful world of Janny. What a delicious little snippet you have provided for us… both honeyed for its insights and bitter for its brevity. Oh I pray the book comes out as soon as possible. My best wishes Janny.

originally posted by Trys

You do need to add the spoiler warning so that when people do searches and the list of posts come up a spoiler is not revealed in that list. :smiley:

originally posted by Clansman


"…honeyed for its insights and bitter for its brevity."

That is both an exceptionally nice turn of phrase, and apt.

As for the Waystone, wouldn't that be a bitter defeat for the Koriani? And didn't that happen in the uprising, four or five hundred years before Morriel possessed Selidie?

Hi Shuvra Ray - welcome here!

originally posted by Brittani

Okay so now I really want to real Child Of Prophecy. But I can't find it. I think it is part of a book called Fantasy Masters but I can't find any place that sells it online.

Janny a little help please?


Masters of Fantasy, edited by Bill Fawcett and Brian Thompson, published by Baen Books.

originally posted by Hunter 1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1210114959&sr=8-1

originally posted by Brittani

Found and Ordered!

I had the name backwards and I didn't know anything other than the title was made up of the words Masters and Fantasy and I had them in the wrong order.

Makes it a little hard to decide which book you need.

Thanks a bunch Janny and Hunter!!

originally posted by fhcbandmom

In another topic Janny wrote:

"This I can promise - the conflict will not stay static or ever be as it appears (you were well warned in the prologue!!!) This is NOT a linear story, but a dimensional one. As it expands, like ripples, the apparently linear progression of All Other plot lines will come to reveal wider facets."
Sounds to me like the "sneak peak" could be from 200 years after SF - like Hunter suggested. We're not reading a "linear" story - but it had been up to this point. Maybe Janny has been watching too much "LOST"! (LOL)

originally posted by Meredith Lee Gray


I don't think Janny's statement that her story expands dimensionally means that we will have a jump of +200 years at the end of this book.

I think we're all aware that there could and very possibly will be a jump of a significant chunk of time. But I really don't feel it will be before the story of Initiate's Trial begins. It's conceivable to me that IT starts just after SF, and then makes a significant jump ahead at some point during that book.

If this defeat that the F7 suffered is so grievous and bitter and happens just after the end of SF, I wouldn't think it would be told as a flashback or an aside when Janny is in the position to be able to tell us that story in "real time" as it were, chronologically. If any of that makes sense.

I took Janny's statement that fhcbandmom just pasted above to mean that her story would expand, not just in one straight line from beginning to end. But it would grow in all directions. It has already begun to do so, in my mind. It doesn't have to do with time, and whether you skip 5 years or 200 years of time. In my mind, I think of it more like the growth of a tree. The trunk doesn't just grow straight up from the ground until it stops. But it grows branches, and those branches grow branches, and the branches leaf out, and the canopy spreads out in all directions… LOL, well maybe I'm getting a little carried away.

In any case, I think Janny's quote above is just as much an argument that there IS a bitter defeat 200+ years before where we are right now (in the storyline) that we just don't know about. …the apparently linear progression of All Other plot lines will come to reveal wider facets. This bitter defeat, previously unknown, could just be a wider facet that will come into full light at some point during IT. Like the Kralovir during TK. Like Seshkrozchiel and Davien during SF.

P.S. - If this all turns out to be nonsensical ramblings, my apologies. It's getting late here in the PST so maybe I'm just losing it altogether…

originally posted by Hunter



This story is told as a series of Arcs, it has just so happened that the first three Arcs comprise less than half a century (Third Age 5637 to 5671). Lysaer's Alliance is broken, Lysaer himself no longer believes in his Alliance, so is he going to continue gallivanting around Paravian rousting yet more people up to try and kill Arithon and remaining clanspeoples? I think he will continue to try and free humanity from the tyranny of the Compact - Lysaer grew up on a world without the restrictions of the Compact, his view is that human destiny should not be thwarted, Compact or not.

Assuming this is 200+ years into the future, let's say the year 5900, Lysaer and Arithon will then be over 250 years young. Longevity in Fellowship mages and Koriani is understood, the clansfolk understand the magecraft behind the Fellowship and semi-mortal Paravians so understand the impact of Davien's Five Centuries Fountain.

How does Lysaer, who has no supporters similarly blessed with longevity, survive? What impact does it have on his Religion when he does not age and outlasts generation after generation of followers?

Several pending issues might mitigate against this being 200+ years into the future. The potential escape of Desh-thiere from Rockfell is one such possibility that won't wait 200 years. Similarly the rest of Desh-thiere on Marak may yet invade - is 200 years sufficient time for all the trees that formed the basis of the beacon to bring Kharadmon home to die of natural age? I suspect not.

originally posted by Julie

Since I'm a Sulfen Evand fan I like to think that Asandir wove a longevity spell into the wardings he placed on SE at Althain Tower. What's the point of having a caithdien when there is no one prepared to step in if SE dies before Lysaer is firmly on the path to redemption?

originally posted by Brad

I'm wondering if it could be a prescient dream of Dakar or Arithon.

originally posted by Brittani

You know that sounds like something Janny would do too!

originally posted by Waliam

I agree with Brad this could be a prophets dream, however, I find it interesting that most of us are asking the questions, "When did this happen and what debt could the Koriathain have over the F7?".

I have been wondering what prize or restitution could the Prime Matriarch be about to ask of Asandir? Whatever she wants to settle this debt is obviously something Janny does not want us to know about yet.

So if we know the answer to this puzzle, maybe we will have a better shot at finding out when and what the debt is about.

A change of perspective often yields the hidden reward.

originally posted by Brad

Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler

This preview really runs counter to everything that happens at the end of Stormed Fortress. Davien gets his body back. Asandir gets out of the grimward and Sethvir isn't suffering from the earthlink anymore.

I was happy to see the F7 finally get Athera under control again and expected the Koriathain to be served a comeuppance. Now we see a glimpse that something disastrous has/could happened.

My first though for the F7 to go under an obligation of debt is a large scale invasion of free wraiths (not all of them but enough to risk the world) and they needed the witches to minimize the damage to humanity.

-Reading Hunter's post now, Desh-thiere is definitely a similar possibility.

My second is that Arithon really does get cornered and imprisoned as Morriel saw. The entire reason that Morriel has been trying to get him was to use him as a wedge to break the compact. If the F7 see that Paravian survival WILL end (via strands) if nothing is done, they are drake bound to do something.

All I can say is this teaser is pure evil Janny. We're going to be nuts over this for months.

originally posted by Julie

This scene is much more detailed and straight forward than any of the prophecies revealed in earlier books. I read the line about having his game cornered, "or so she thought" as Asandir being more in control of the situation than Selidie thinks.

originally posted by Kenneth Murphy


Have lurked on this site for a long time now & have never succumbed to the temptation to post until now!

Big part of me wishes I hadn't read this preview, it's gonna have me up at night! lol.

Just wanted to make 2 comments :

1. I do think the story will jump forward 200years, the 2 side characters most everyone (& myself) seem to want in the next book(s) are Sulfin Evend & Arithon's daughter, both of these certainly have the potential to attain or be given longevity, so I don't think we have to worry about losing them!
The comments at the end of SF about the centuries passing over Alestron & the Beidar Elder passing on the 'mantle' to watch over Arithon seem to indicate a major time shift.

2. I think the most intriguing thing is the name of this Arc "Initiate's Trial'.
Who is the intiate? Can't help but think it is Arithon's daughter, perhaps just after SF something happened to obligate the F7 or the daughter herself to the Koriani, perhaps the only thing the F7 could do was delay the inevitable, for 200years?

I find the line ‘The Fellowship Sorcerer entered the Koriani sisterhouse at Whitehold empty-handed…’ why make the reference to empty-handed? Was Asandir supposed to bring something or someone with him? (Perhaps Arithon’s daughter for intiation into the sisterhood?)

LOL. Getting carried away speculating now’

originally posted by Julie

Why would the F7 ever promise a child to the the Koriani when their practices go against most of the Law of the Major Balance? Even if they schemed to get a sympathetic initiate into the sisterhood, the child would have to swear an oath over a presumed cleaned major crystal- too many potential pit falls.
I think the F7 needed potential heirs for Rathain as well as new talent into the clan gene pool, and the Beider need Arithon specifically for their prophesy.
I'm still holding out for Sulfen Evand apprenticing with the Fellowship perhaps 200 years down the road(maybe he is the "cornered game").

originally posted by Kenneth Murphy

I was thinking the 'bitter defeat' being on the morning of the girls birth, something goes awry & the child becomes indebted to the Koriani, perhaps Elaira assists in the birth & is forced to save the baby using her skills as an koriani enchantress; The F7 defeat being their failure to stop this, instead only delaying payment of the debt.

As I said pure speculation run wild! ;p