I had to know...

what the danged origin of the term, wOOt was…put on my google goggles and found it!!! :smiley:

Ridiculous Trivia, required to satisfy writer's curiosity block…:smiley:…otherwise known as, hafta get past this to get back to work…

originally posted by Konran

So was this research writing-related? :stuck_out_tongue: Is one of the characters going to shout an ancient Paravian exclamation of victory? "'W00t!' Arithon cried as Selidie Prime recieved Ye Olde Smackedowne"…

Oh, nothing writing related at all - just a'burnin the curiosity candle. :smiley:

originally posted by Mark Stephen Kominski

THAT, Konran, was well worth a chuckle. Many thanks!