Destiny's Conflict: Status Updates

originally posted by tony

Janny, let me say that one of the reasons I find you an amazing author is this - your participation with your fans, your willingness to keep us updated regarding status, your perverse pleasure in teasing our minds with little snippets of info we can never decipher, but will spend hours, days, perhaps weeks trying to.

So thank you for that.

Can I ask a quick question? Is there an average correlation between manuscript page count/final book page count that you can share with us? You may have done so at another time, but if so, I cannot locate it.

Hi Tony - I can't predict precisely what page count, because this depends on what type size the designer sets for the print pages, and often this changes between the hardback to the mass market paperback, so which ever guess I gave might mislead you.

It's easier to correlate this way:

I work in courier for drafting, the format DOESN'T change. So for these volumes I look to bring the story in at 900 MANUSCRIPT pages, which leaves room for the glossary. Only Warhost (because it was split out from the original intent of Ships/Warhost being one volume) ran under - it was in the neighborhood of 750 manuscript pages.

Most of the Light and Shadows installments have run about a thousand manuscript pages, with the glossary at times taking the count to 1050.

So we're looking at: I am Definitely past a quarter through, possibly pushing a third of the way. I can say the action is 'on target' for that.

Draft in first stage 'melts down' just a bit - when I finalize the manuscript, I cut what I can to trim excess. In earlier books, I found they melted down up to 100 pages, but on the last one, it was maybe fifty.

When I say I 'target' wind up to happen at 900, I usually will not be finished the book there - but I had better have the ending in sight at that point, because I do NOT want to run up the costs of production past the point the numbers will support.

There is another measure: Usually the books 'hit' pace at Chapter Set V - up to then, it's a bit of an intense effort to get all the threads angled into position and up to speed. By set V things start to flow forward more smoothly - and at this stage, I am finishing the last subchapter of Set IV - with Set five poised and positioned on target.

This book, leading into the final convergency and unveiling - and the wind up finale beginning - was much trickier to set up. The hard bits are past, now. I expect the next stages to progress more easily, but as they say - proof is in the pudding.

originally posted by tony

Wow, thank you Janny. I understand why you can't prcisely give a correlation, and yet I also understand your explanation.

Very much looking forward to the next installment (and some explanations, I hope :wink: )

I'll also say this - even when a book frustrates me, such as Initiate's Trial did, it is still an immensely enjoyable read. And I've read Initiate's 3 times already. Holding read #4 until DC is ready for release.

originally posted by Annette

I to am looking forward to some final unveiling! No way can Janny do this one without giving us some long awaited answers.:smiley:

Oh, there is unveiling in this one, positively no question! BIG STUFF.

Well, I hope everyone is on vacation…it feels like I'm writing in the dusty quiet of a bottomless pit…

(Strikes a match to light the keyboard - well, you DO want to know what happens next, doncha?)

originally posted by Annette

No just sitting here freezing, I am always on vacation.

I would love to know what happens after that spark is struck in darkness, but know I am finding out nothing till the book is in my hands. And possibly still I have to wait for the last book.

But now you have found the keyboard, Janny, how goes the creation, of the book.

originally posted by Walt

We're here! Keep the match away from the keyboard! I was beginning to worry the Tropical Storm Debbie had washed you out…

I thought it was too humid in Florida for dust?
Then again, we have more than enough dust (and sand and sagebrush and Scarpdale-like landscape) here in Utah…

originally posted by Theo Liakouras

I wouldn't say that Jenny, not all of us are on vacation… I was just too busy reading the books you have written up till now.

I must admit that after the Empire series and the Fire Cycle Trilogy I lost kind of touch with you, but 4 months ago I discovered the Wars of Light and Shadow and what can I say but you got me hooked :wink:

Using matches to light a keyboard might be medieval romantic but the back lighted keyboards are much much better for typing in the middle of the night. We wouldn't want you starting a fire over the manuscript…

But as a first time writer in your forum, I need to say that your books have brought me great pleasure and helped me go through some rough times. There is nothing more compelling than a book series that hasn't concluded yet to keep you going :slight_smile:

Keep up the great work, I can't wait to get the next book of the series in my hands… kind of feel like an addict here, waiting for his next hit.

I do really hope we will get some answers, or with my luck the next book will conclude with so many questions I will have to go and jump off the ECB tower from frustration :slight_smile:

*just kidding*

Cheers from Frankfurt, Germany!

Heh, so, you were all LURKING!

The book proceeds: I have on the keyboard this morning some truly shocking double play - watch OUT for Sethvir…! I should have a page count shortly as I am nearing the close of a chapter set.

Walt - Tropical Storm Debbie thrashed through nicely - I say nicely because it put a much needed dousing into our pond, that, over about ten years of dry - was TWENTY FEET LOW. It's now up to drought winter level - six feet down. And the pastures haven't been this green in a long time. We had a few little sticks and things trimmed off the oaks, but nothing near damage. We did lose power for a short burst. It killed a little of one late afternoon of writing, that's all.

Theo Liakouris, welcome here!!! while you are waiting I hope you also discover To Ride Hell's Chasm. I have never been to Frankfurt, but it sounds exciting that you live there.

Lighted keyboards - snort - I am so far behind the curve! this keyboard is circa 2000 and still going. I am newly equipped to make bees wax candles from our own hive, so, no need for grid-powered gizmos. Not yet. :smiley:

originally posted by Annette Van Koevering

Hey guys check out the Curse of the Mistwraith section. I have a thread about my upcoming bookclub featuring COTM!!!

Last part of four set is starting for test read. The manuscript page count is PAST A THIRD - at 355.

originally posted by David Cornelson

I lurk on occasion. I think I was so relieved to read the last book that I'm oddly being patient about the next one. I have no need for excerpts or spoilers. Please continue to write, save spiders, and be the brilliant writer we all know and love.

originally posted by tony

One third done . . . .you don't need another test reader, do you? :stuck_out_tongue:

originally posted by Julie

I am on a reread of Initiate's trial- but would love an excerpt/spoiler. How about in celebration of one third done???

originally posted by Annette

I am with David, as much as I would love a teaser, I can sit and wait for the book. My imagination is already working overtime, it needs no encouragement.

Thanks for the nice words, David, tony, Julie and Annette.

Re: sneak preview, I am thinking there will be one soon - trouble is, about anything I put up will spoil stuff in Initiate's Trial, and the mass market edition is yet to come out (which means, some people haven't read the up to date story line, yet.}

Be sure I will put something up AS SOON AS I CAN be sure no reader will get tipped off prematurely - and if there is a snip that emerges which doesn't spoil anything, you'll have it…

originally posted by Julie

I did not realize that Intiate's Trial was still out on a limited basis. In that case I can wait.

originally posted by tony

I'm going to blow everyone's mind.

I love these books, this story. I eagerly await each new installment.

However, I try to avoid the previews. I greatly appreciate that you do this, Janny. However, my mind is a constantly working, weird place. If I read a preview, I begin to think. When I start to think, I begin to imagine what came before, and what may come after, that preview. It has, in the past, resulted in a weird experience when I actually read the book, and get to that preview . . .a sort of "wait, that's what happened?" moment.

This happens to me with any author, more seriously the more interested I am in the story. There are therefore some authors - Janny, you are VERY high on that short list - where I try to avoid previews until shortly before the books actual release . . .that gives my mind less time to deceive me into thinking I can actually figure out where you're going.

originally posted by Annette

I cannot imagine too many fans having the patience to wait for the mass market paperback at this point, but it will be out by September 4th in most regions so not long to wait. 17830

UK: 16 August 2012
US: 04 September 2012
Australia: 01 September 2012

And some blatant advertising for my favourite bookseller. Books