Destiny's Conflict: Status Updates

Maybe we should start a 'formal re-read' (and take it slow) to tide us over while the draft gets written?

And I agree - there seemed MUCH more time - did clocks run slower? - in 1994!

Oh yeah, and P. 200 is now further in the dust.

originally posted by Bradford Fisher

Ha. Ok, here's a guess since the author is teasing us.

(1) The Mistwraith is sentient and has Arithon's magic to degrade the wards from within.

(2) The Mistrwraith could have killed the brothers but instead set them against each other, knowning that they could imprisoned it. Any reason that the Mistwraith couldn't have scried the future (just like Arithorn and the Seven do) and looked for an unpleasant outcome that it would prefer?

(3) Time for the Mistwraith to re-emerge on scene, perhaps, in line with a long-ago scry of the future?

(4) Selide Prime and the Mistwraith might have common interests, as awful as that may seem. The Prime has really gone off the deep end.

It wouldn't surprise me if Cliadis made an appearance as well.

originally posted by Annette

Ciladis better make an appearance in the next book or sleepy head is going to get left behind!

For a laugh I will speculate on Janny's post on the almost deleted 12 pages. My over active imagination does not need much of a prod these days when it comes to speculating about WoLaS, it will latch onto anything and make something of it, just for practice.

Deferred and kicked ahead, refusal to move.
-A problem involving Dakar? Who when we left him he was still refusing to face a dew things. And a kick in the right place is likely needed.

Thought, vague cloud of ideas with names tagged on
-Mistwraith, Arithon has named it and thoughts are churning overtime.

Punting, wiggling
- Methlas Lake and its meth-snakes, no real idea what THIS is but maybe it has something to do with the past and something we missed between books.

-Who knows, maybe the meth-snakes and other creatures warped by the Methuri got a chance to be as they should be. Or maybe Morriel finally lost it, spiders usually jump though rather than hop.

Heat blast of inspiration
-Lysaer has finally decided to do something useful with his gift. Barring that more inspiration will get the book written faster, I would love to read it for Christmas 2013. :smiley:

Most of those ideas except the last one seem premature to be happening so early. But I can get my hopes up for a roller coaster ride. What ever Janny comes up with is bound to be interesting, exciting, full of tension and answer a lot of questions, although maybe not the question that intrigues me the most. We get any strange blanks in Arithon's memory at critical moments of change, or diverted views elsewhere to distract us, I am going to be miffed at having to wait for the last book to find out what happened.

I am still patiently waiting for an explanation of what happened in Kewar when a certain spirit wandered off some where.
'siel i'an i'anient'
Something happened, Janny is bound to get to it eventually. :smiley:

Status update: I have been immsersed in assembling all the various bits and pieces so that the huge unveilings to come will all fall in place, without the inconsistencies (likely) from too many years of unorganized jottings and notes. The chapter sets, now, unveil stuff backwards and forwards; never so many layers in play, before, but it should read slick, since you are oriented to the characters, and the settings.

Draft page count is 235, and I am plunged into Chapter Set IV.

This ought to be the last 'set up' phase of this volume; typically Set V is the one that lets rip. The scene under scrutiny now…well, I'd once considered it for the opening of this book. How wrong I was. Timing and logistics put the grand kabosh on that one…;)…not for the first time the dictates of the map, and this scene having to occur before THAT action to get a character in place, have totally thrown off the preconceived game plan.

All on track, as it goes down on the page.

originally posted by Annette

That update has the imagination working. :smiley:

Thanks Janny.

Well, heh, won't this bit stand your hair on end…draft page 251, and a corker of a scene in play. This would be about halfway through Main Ch IV, if you are wanting to correlate when you get your hands on the Real Book.

Which I get to see it all, coming… ;X

Anybody going to be at Oasis or LibertyCon or DragonCon this year? There Could Be Preview Readings…

Yup, if you're wondering - I do work on Saturdays. Most of them.

originally posted by Annette

Unfortunately all the wrong country for me, but hope you have a great time Janny and meet lots of WoLaS fans at Oasis. Hopefully fellow fans who like sharing. :smiley:

Oasis (May 25-27)
(link removed)

LibertyCon (July 20-22)

Dragon Con (Aug 31-Sep 3)
(link removed)

Personally I had never heard of the first two, but Dragon Con always gets my attention.

Hair on end…
Not someone experimenting with lightening? Still seems too early. Maybe someone sending trouble Selidie's way for her bit of mischief with Elaira's crystal and her horrid little construct to detect Arithon. Too much to hope for a bolt of lightening on Morriel's head, this lot are all too compassionate.

I loved Selidie's comment from Initiate's Trial


Never imagine that I could have been so blindsidedly fooled!

I patiently await to see how she was fooled, my bet is it is something to do with Arithon, or maybe it was that lowly third rank healer who she underestimated. You would think Selidie would have got suspicious by now that Elaira is a bit more powerful than she used to be.

Status update: the action for main chapter four is nailed, to go out for test very shortly.

Draft pages completed: 268

The next two subchapter should set things SQUARELY into the meat of this arc's cascade toward finale. And Right Here, Right Now, your hair will already be standing on end.

I think, shortly, you will hear reverberative yells from the test readers…brace for it. ;X

originally posted by Annette

I want to be a test reader. :frowning_face:

Or I want to be a farseer so I can go snoop on what Janny is writing. I would say I want to be the little spider spinning webs above her PC, but Janny might not be as nice to little spiders as Elaira. I might get squished!

*aussie sits and wonders what the cascade to Sithaer itself starts with*

originally posted by carl

I don't know Annette maybe if you were one of Janny's horses she would whisper sweet plot contrivances in your ear. That's page 268 of…1500? :smiley: I kid I Kid. I'm up to half way through PG in my reread, but I love the S'Brydion so maybe I'll just stop there.

I'd expect to be packing this manuscript up at somewhere between DRAFT page 900 and 1000/less glossary.

Spiders here: do not get squashed, they eat the pests (like the FL sized roaches, for one thing). If they are not seen, they are left alone - if they choose to parade across the floor and flaunt their little selves where a guest might see them and freak out, they get trapped under a clear cup, a bit of cardboard is slipped underneath, and they are tossed OUT, alive and unharmed.

This is a country property in a semi-tropical climate. If I 'lost it' over critters, I'd not be here; you'd have to be committing insect or arachnid massacre full time, and they'd still win the count. :smiley:

originally posted by Annette

Nice to know we are safe to recruit the spiders to our cause then. :smiley: I have to admit I have hundreds of them here, but I do occasionally try and win the war against the bugs, only if they eat the ants are they entitled to residency. After all these years of not being able to do much I am not that fussed about it, even if they only sit there observing they are pretty safe most of the time. But I occasionally once in a blue moon take it into my head I am sick of their webs and start cleaning them up.

So pg 268/1000, over a quarter of the way into the story. Hmmmm…What could Janny be up to?

I still think it too early for any major heart wringing, painful bits. I vote after three chapter sets in the fourth Arithon has finally remembered what happened to him before he was imprisoned. That is bound to start a cascade towards something.

Carl, Janny would not stress her horses out with such nerve racking plot contrivances, she would be kind and speaking of tempting treats for such friends. No a horse does not seem the best way to snoop on what Janny is thinking, she is probably relaxing around the horses.

I have taken to occasionally reading snippets from the books. I will wait for my serious re-read till Janny tells us the manuscript is handed in.

HEH! Dakar… ;X

Somewhere in the neighborhood of draft page 280…

originally posted by Annette

I wonder if Dakar has plucked up the nerve to face Arithon yet?

I am actually rather looking forward to Lysaer having to put up with Dakar for a while though, they might both come out the better for the experience. Janny must have been having fun to get so many pages written, I hope Dakar's mage sighted conscience is having fun tripping up Prince Charming.

originally posted by Walt

No! NO no no no no no no! You cannot just blurt out "Dakar!" and then leave it at that! That's just pure evil! I neeeeeeed my Dakar fix!

originally posted by Sleo

LOL, well we do know Dakar's a lot more competent than he used to be.

Status update - draft page 284 - another sub-chapter nailed.

And - mwahahaha! - I certainly can keep the authorial duct tape :X firmly in place, if it would spoil.

originally posted by Julie


Lysaer and Dakar did spend some quality time together- this time around they seemed much more honest with themselves and each other. Remember Dakar vowed never to let Lysaer be used by the Koriani or their minions again. I am looking forward to their developing friendship. Like Arithon, Lysaer gives his affections to only to a few.
As far as gathering the resolve to face Arithon, Dakar knows he will be forgiven- he now needs to forgive himself.

originally posted by Annette

I actually thought Dakar's reluctance to face Arithon might have stemmed more from his gift as a seer than his usual cringing cowardice to face the the consequences of past actions.