Debate for a sneak preview - pros and cons

Welcome Here to the lurkers who decided to post! (yay!)

Looks like the perfect summer way to fry brain - you want to do that for birthdays??? I will see what I can cook up…

I have Stuff on the Burner in a good way…who's ready for Fireworks?

originally posted by Clansman



originally posted by Auna

Oh heck ya, I love fireworks :smiley:

originally posted by Brittani

OOOHHH!! Fireworks! Good possiblility of getting burned with those things. Oh I'm all excited! Time to go make root beer floats and wait for the show to start! (maybe that just an American tradition, I'm not sure, But the rest of your are welcome to join me!)

originally posted by Mark Stephen Kominski

Need any more nagging, Ms. Wurts?

Mine was on July 5th; would love a late July fireworks display, should one just happen along 'round here.

originally posted by Carole

Oooo Fireworks, I'm always up for fireworks! :smiley:

originally posted by Kirsten Laurelle Wallace

I am definately all for fireworks; red ones, green ones, yellow. Matter of fact, I love the whole mess of them. Maybe we could have some accidental explosions too.

Well now, I will look for an appropriate passage, and before Friday! (between, of course, writing the next scene). I will bear in mind the phrases, accidental explosion…fireworks…hmmmm.

It's finding the scene that's just a firework and not a bombshell of an unveiling…

And so,…watch this space!

I have been exploring various possible preview scenes, and they fall into several areas:

some could (potentially) expand on the last scene's impact, and make you CRAZIER still.

Some could feel like utterly NEW territory, not touch on anything that seems to fit, because you haven't seen how they connect (can't show that! Yet…) though they do, I'd just have shot a window into the story that didn't let you see the too meaty bits…

Some, well - Third Arc - it's gonna be an unveiling anyway I pull it.

Rubbing red pepper into the speculations, anywhich way I turn…the yells of impatience could get very loud, indeedy.

originally posted by Gary


Any bits with Sulfin Evend? :slight_smile:

originally posted by HJ

Kevor and Ellaine PLEASE!!

I have two bits selected - and stewing on which, pros and cons. This book has almost no wiggle room without spoilers.

It's the birthday moment, I realize - and I'm on it.

originally posted by Clansman


originally posted by Hunter

It is worth noting, in passing, that previous sneak peaks have generally prompted waaaaay more questions than answers - the confrontation of Asandir and Morriel/Selidie being a perfect example - what are they doing there? why? What was the background? What are the various protagonists trying to achieve? The surrounding prose of course provides the answers but that is only available when the book is published.

So I think there are spoilers and there are spoilers. A spoiler say, where Dakar dies, would indeed be a spoiler. A spoiler with Arithon actually getting a Riathan Paravian horn through his side on a sunny, tropical beach would prompt way more questions…

originally posted by Mark Stephen Kominski

Or, you could always go for something a little less…dark…

*Covers Janny's ears*

While I haven't read Martin's stuff yet, Hunter, I'm told he kills all his characters off with some regularity. Perhaps one such author is enough? :wink:

*Uncovers Janny's ears*

Either way, a spoiler might be needed urgently to prevent my buddy the Clansman from spontaneous combustion…

originally posted by Zorana Lewis

Hunter - if we actually get a snippet with Arithon getting a Riathan Paravian horn through his side on a sunny, tropical, beach, I am holding you entirely accountable! :smiley:

*grin* I will agree with you though in regards to spoilers and spoilers. And Mark, yeah, Martin kills them off with surprising regularity. But it still shocks you whenever he does it. You tell yourself, surely not. Surely so-and-so will survive this and then kablooey! They've just been offed and you're sat in bed (or wherever you read) blinking at the page, wondering if he actually did just do that or whether you were imagining it.