Book Recommendations

originally posted by Trys

Cherryh's Atevi books, in my opinion, are very intricately woven political science fiction that puts Frank Herbert's best to the challenge.


originally posted by Auna

You should try Cherryh's science fiction, it's really good. Hopefully not all her stuff is out of print.

originally posted by Trys

Certainly not all of her stuff is OP, and a lot of it is being reissued. For example the three novels that make up The Sword of Knowledge trilogy (Cherry co-authored one of them) is being re-released as a 3-in-1 edition.

originally posted by Cheryl

Thanks Hunter. Was Jaran her first book? I've seen it and been tempted to buy it many times but never did with too many other books to read first. Thanks

originally posted by Cheryl

I forgot to mention I ordered Techniques of A Selling Writer since Janny seemed to think so highly of it. It's very informative already opened me up to write better. Thanks for the recommendation Janny. At least now I've gotten rid of my fourth grade writing I use to have. I'm proud of that much.

originally posted by Blue

One thing I have discovered recently, since November [and Traitor's Knot] does not seem to be getting here fast enough for me, is to go through and re-read things I have not read in a long, long time. One is Robert Louis Stevenson's Treasure Island. I have not read that since gradeschool, and it is amazing how much of it I had forgotten!

Though written for "young adults", and perhaps not as sophisticated as some literary snobs might want, it is still a grand, world class escapist story filled with unforgettable characters, especially Long John Silver, a man with an agenda all his own.

<bg> It might be interesting, to see Arithon pitting wits against Long John Silver. Perhaps a stage production on Athera, with Arithon playing Jim Hawkins?

originally posted by Cheryl

Maybe Janny will keep that in mind for future scenes. I never did tell you Blue I liked your Arithon dream entering your story.

originally posted by max

I liked your Arithon dream too. I have never dreamed of the characters of WOLS but I think I have dreamed of being on Athera, Either that or I was watching Young's Bay from a cliff area, it looks alot like the cover of the 'Warhost of Vastmark'. But I often dream of strange landscapes and I know where I am in my dream, but not when I wake. Sorry folks I have had a little too much coffee tonight and my fingers are jittering all over the board. I meant to say I have been reading all the stories I could find by Ursula Leguin. They are awesome stories!!! I recommend them to anyone who likes character driven stories as I think most of us on this message board do. WOLS has great characterization but is more plot and action driven as well and hence the longer stories. Which we all adore, right?? the only objection I have to UKL stories is that they are not long enough!! She does say alot in the shorter stories but some of those worlds I could explore forever. IDIC!! [infinite differences in infinite combinations. it's from Star Trek I think?!]

originally posted by Auna

Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations, and it's a Vulcan belief :smiley:

originally posted by Blue

Thanks for the kind words, folks. Alione is not as wimpy as he was portrayed, but Seka usually catches him flat footed when she gets riled. Seka is a combination of just about every truly petite woman I have ever known, based most strongly on my great grandmother. Though Mama was a teeny sweetheart of a woman, my grandmother, her sisters, and my mom and her siblings all walked around her on eggshells. The mental image I have for Dame Dawr, in fact, is a slightly more robust version of my great granny.

I think it is the vividness of the character of Arithon [in words] that sparked the dream, not mentioning the truly gorgeous pictures of the scrumptious little green eyed devil that Janny produces for the US versions of the books.

Though like Littlecat I am one of Traithe's Babes, I would probably throw Arithon, protesting loudly, over my shoulder, and drag him off to my lair and ravish him. ;^)

originally posted by Cheryl

I hope you get published Blue will be fun to read your story too. Sandtiger, still got my eye on August for your story. September's going to be a great book month. Return of Nightfall by Mickey Zucker Reichert, Carol Berg's Guardians of the Keep, I think that's the title, Janny's book around that time. So many good ones coming this fall. Please teach me how to speed read quick. lol

originally posted by Auna

The problem with reading fast is you get to the end fast. If you read slowly, don't knock it!

originally posted by Cheryl

The special books that come along I like to savor like Janny's WOLAS they are thick and I take my time to have more time with Arithon. It's not all bad that way but I get behind with other books I get. They pile up and I feel guilty I haven't read them yet but I will later. You guys will be finished with Traitor's Knot long before me but I guess it's not a race to the finish. grin Thought I did read TRHC in two weeks that's a record for me.

originally posted by Trys


Don't feel guilty. I have books on my shelves that were bought years ago and remain unread. Not because they won't be enjoyable but because the time hasn't been available, but it will be someday.

One of those books, Cherryh's Hammerfall is going to get read sooner as I just bought the sequel.


originally posted by Cheryl

I'm glad you're in that situation too Trys. I know I want the sequel too but thought I need to read Hammerfall first. grin I'm not sure if I'll like it as well as the other series. This one seems very different from what she's done lately. I still plan to read it though. If you read it first tell me what you think of it. I have some allergy eye type thing that slows my reading down too I use to read much more then I have been lately.

originally posted by Auna

I sometimes wish I could stretch reading a book out a bit, but I have to know how it ends, so that means reading till it's done.

originally posted by Cheryl

I think the best part of the book is the middle where it seems to start taking off and then I want the end. Sometimes I get so involved I read it and finish it anyway but some books just don't do that for me. I like a lot of action and not much boring details but you have to know them to know the story. I'm finding out how important the details are and appreciate them more.

originally posted by Auna

I think details are better the second time you read the book… the first time reading for me is a lot like trying to reign in a horse from going full sprint, so I understand getting irritated by details that seem to get in the way. At least I don't resort to reading the last chapter until I get to it!

I always at least skim the details. There was only one book I ever skipped entire pages on and that was a beloved author that collaborated with a windbag who wrote useless, boring, painfully detailed junk about stuff that was totally irrelevant to the story.

originally posted by George

Just a quick question…


Discworld rocks!

originally posted by max

Geaorge I started to listen to one of Terry Pratchett's books on tape. The reader had an english cockney accent very exaggerated and it was awful to listen to. I never got thru the first tape. The story was very very busy with alot of characters but also alot of action and the reader's voice made it impossible to follow the story. I may try another format later. Just on another note, wanted to tell you all the Ursula Leguin's 'Tales of Earthsea' is goin to be a mini series on the scifi channel this fall. I am in the middle of that story now and am looking forward to see what they do with it.