What is Lysaer upto

originally posted by DarthJazy

I just got to start a thread and see what people think Lysaer is doing these last 2 centuries.

I envision that once his right hand passes on he would resort to old habits and continue to hunt the clansmen and consilidate his power accross the alliance territories.

originally posted by plutoplex

I disagree. I think that Suflin Evand (combined with Alithiel's power in Stormed Fortress) was enough of a wake-up call that Lysaer would honor his friend's memory by toning down the call to arms. He's more aware of - and thus able to fight - the Mistwraith's influence now. At Alestron, he realized that he had gone overboard. Unless the Mistwraith's hold on him tightens once more, I don't see him relapsing.

However, he already let the djinni out of the bottle, and would not be able to step down from his leadership role in the towns (not that I think he'd want to - quite the opposite). The title he has in one of the snippets was "Lord Lysaer" - Lord Mayor of Etarra, I'm guessing. I think he'd be doing peacetime governing (trade relations, infrastructure).

He might pick a fight with the Koriani in the interim - I could certainly see Sulfin Evand rechanneling Lysaer in that direction. Plus, if Lysaer ever found out about Elaira's relationship with Arithon, the Koriathain would be obvious targets.

originally posted by DarthJazy

Perhaps he concentrates on being allowed back in the compact if that is even possible. Does anyone know if it would be possible for him to redeem himself?

originally posted by Ruth

…There is the issue of what happens once Sulfin Evend dies of old age, if nothing else. Who's going to be around to remind Lysaer not to go off on a wild curse-ridden chase? Who's going to be around to help him that he'd trust, that is.

originally posted by Laneth Sffarlenn

What about the thought that, once Sulfin dies, Lysaer will be plunged into "darkness" in that he has no one so close to him and no one that understands him so fully - he'll be completely lost and alone without guidance or sympathy.

I like to dream sometimes that he and Arithon will covertly start working together towards a common goal, liaising with each other in secret meeting places and conducting business as the years roll on…

originally posted by Ruth

…It's a nice dream, I'm sure. Though isn't Lysaer still tied in knots because of the curse? Arithon isn't, and even before he got cleared of it he found a way to break the influence, but I'm not so sure that would work for Lysaer… Oh wait. He could work with Alithiel to prevent the curse gripping Lysaer at such times?

Though, in the event of Sulfin's death, Lysaer's rather without support, as you said, and in that loneliness becomes somewhat more sympathetic.

originally posted by Mark Stephen Kominski


Minor point about working with Alithiel to dampen curse's effect; Arithon was basically useless for all other purposes while this was happening in Stormed Fortress…

originally posted by DarthJazy


Could Kelvin help out his father in this respect with his new powers from ath's adept?

originally posted by Ruth


Could he? When curse gripped, Lysaer seems to be unable to accept such help. Such as when the adepts at the hostel near Merior tried, and later, when he chased after Ellaine and met Kevor in Kevor's new role as Ath's adept, and Ellaine taking sanctuary there. I seem to remember him refusing… *cannot check whether this was in TK or SF at the moment, is in university library and my copies are at home*

originally posted by Dorothy


I was wondering if Sulfin Evend's life span has been extended via the intervention of the fellowship(as Elaira's was) when he accepted caithdein status, as basically he requested that role in order to protect Lysaer. It follows that in order to carry out his responsibilities he would have to live as long as Lysaer to do this.
Would anyone else be able to take Sulfin Evend's place?
It's a while since I have read this part of the series so I may well be way off course!
And it would give him lots of time to ensure his bloodline survived ;). Which leads to another tangent-what if the Koriani got hold of one of his offspring? Tho I can't see him letting that happen given his hatred of them.

originally posted by DarthJazy


Now there is an interesting thought. I am not sure if his life span was extended. It does seem like something the F7 would do though. This would be a great idea to get Lysaer the protection he needs not only from the curse but from Necromancy.

Another thought I had is could Lysaer use the fact that he is still needed to finally defeat the mistwraith to get himself back into the compact?

originally posted by Ruth

…and to do that, wouldn't he need to get the Paravians to agree to let him back in? At least that was the impression I got in FP… the F7 could, with cause, toss him out, but all that meant is that he had to go deal with the Paravians sans intermediaries…which is in itself very 'interesting'

originally posted by Julie

Whether Sulfin Evend dies or goes onto apprentice with the Fellowship (my wish), according to the sneak preview he clearly has fathered children. Remember a female descendant has been asked by the Fellowship to take the caithdien's oath.

originally posted by Laneth Sffarlenn

Can a Caithdein resign or step down from office? I cannot remember, but it seems the Caithdeinen who've been succeeded in the course of the story's history have all been replaced upon their deaths?

If Sulfin Evend was granted extended life to protect his leige, for which he took A Caithdein's Oath to further serve the land and people, then he clearly would have either died or resigned by the time of the story if his descendent is now Caithdein.

(Since Sulfin is not "The" Ceithdein of Tysan, but did indeed take a Caithdein's Oath, does that mean his fealty is sworn to Land and not King? Therefore, his descendent wouldn't necessarily be sworn to King either, but to uphold the Major Balance and Compact?)

Could very well be that I've just had way too much on my mind and have forgotten the nuances that lead up to this discussion.

Also - Should we be discussing Lysaer or Sulfin? *grin*

originally posted by Julie

Well, when we left off they were very much entwined. I felt the growth and development of their characters (i.e. personal insight) was much more than Arithon and Jeiret. So… at this stage can't really discuss Lysaer's whereabouts without talking about S.E., We also know from the snippet that Sulfin Evend pulled off a strategic feat that ensured a peaceful Lysaer for some unspecified but presumed good chunk of time.

originally posted by DarthJazy

I assumed that a caithdaen was in that job position till he or she died. if they could resign wouldn't Jaerits daughter have resigned by now? and yes we should be discussion lysaer because arithon is only half the equation. :stuck_out_tongue:

originally posted by Annette

Well probably somewhere on the forum we have speculated about who the initiate is that the title of the next book is referring to. What if it is Lysaer? No doubt knowing Janny the title can be taken to refer to multiple initiates some of which could be Arithon, Dakar, Elaira, Lirenda, Arithon's daughter perhaps even some of Ath's adepts, but has anyone thought that Lysaer could be one of the initiates in question?

We have seen Lysaer now wants to try and stop that juggernaut he has set loose from destroying everything in its path. He has shown some sense when threatened with necromancy and started to take steps to safe guard his innate autonomy, those same safe guards could also help him fight the curse. He has been practising Paravian cantrips to try and control the nightmares. Lysaer cannot ask for help from the fellowship, but there seems to be enough guidance and knowledge around to set him on the right path. With Arithon removed for a few centuries and the curse not a problem, would Lysaer be able to use a combination of Paravian teachings and arcane knowledge combined with his natural talent to actually start seriously fighting the curse. Lysaer will again have a Cathdeins help, but still when Arithon is released and the curse becomes active again, Lysaer is going to be facing a trial to keep both control of himself, and control of his fanatics.

The arc name is Sword of the Cannon, it would be most likely the cannon of Lysaers false religion, Ath has no organised religion or priesthood. For an arc, who is likely to be the sword in question?

Sulfin Evend - 'You were never Ath's sword, to see into small minds.'

Lysaer - 'I will have to be, now.'

We have seen Lysaer has a tendency to pretend to be or be perceived by others to be something more aptly describing Arithon (or at least that is how it appears to be so far). If Lysaer is the sword of the light could the title also refer to his trial? Maybe Lysaer has decided to do more than just build political and military power.

originally posted by Clansman

"Sword of the Canon".

"Canon" and "Cannon" are two very different things. Cannons aren't allowed on Athera :smiley:.

originally posted by Annette

Sorry for the typo.

originally posted by Hunter

Both Canon and Cannon involve a lot of noise and bluster, heavy work by minions, sparks and light and leave a trail of carnage, destruction and bloodied, pulped bodies in their wake… they aren't as dissimilar as you might think…