What has Arithon been doing for the past 200-300 years?

originally posted by Lisa

Just wondering if in the vision of Arithon and the unicorn, Athiliel's (sp?)defence spell was activated or if it was something else? We could have just assumed that it was activated in defence because at the time of the vision that was all we knew the sword could do… we now know that there is much more to it than that.

any thoughts?

originally posted by Sundancer

Stormed Fortress spoilers

Lisa, you have a good point. I find it harder to believe that a Riathan Paravian would 'gore' and 'reap' - might that be Dakar's perception? Everything we've heard about the Paravians suggests they don't actively kill, but just 'change vibration' of those they oppose.(Ciladis was changed). Think of Alithiel's designed response to the Khadrim - and the most extreme 'vibration change' was about to be suffered by Davien and caused his discorporation as he was going to be 'removed from Athera?' through the agency of Shehaine Althain.

Mind you, there was the Second Age king who was assassinated at Ithamon which caused the cracking of the King Tower (might that assassination have not been by a Paravian? - there were only Paravians then??)

Undoubtedly though, Lisa is right we don't know all about Alithiel - Arithon can bring on other resonances as we saw at Alestron. I also think that we forget how much Arithon will have been changed by his experiences at Alestron and the later trance state.

On Arithon's fate for the period between volumes, Craftsman, I guess I just can't believe that all those wraiths could be tidied up between volumes and all that tension and threat taken away - we lose such possibilities for great narrative excitement.

On later reflection, however much Selidie wants a successor, I can't see Arithon's daughter making it to Prime Matriarch - there's got to be as much defiance in her as Elaira has (imagine a touchy female s'Ffalenn, or even a repeat of Glendien's fire), but I can still see her mixed up with the Koriani somehow.

originally posted by Dave

ummm 200 - 300 years ???

I wonder if Janny Has DONE a JANNY on us and left out a critical aspect like Dakar has a vision of >>>>>…


Now would Janny do that to us ???

originally posted by Nicklas Sandvad

[Quote Sundancer: 1]

Mind you, there was the Second Age king who was assassinated at Ithamon which caused the cracking of the King Tower (might that assassination have not been by a Paravian? - there were only Paravians then??)

Didn't the king tower fall during the rebellion, and not when the king was assasinated? Might be I have some of my facts wrong, since I onlt read the series once :smiley:

[Quote Sundancer: 2]

On later reflection, however much Selidie wants a successor, I can't see Arithon's daughter making it to Prime Matriarch - there's got to be as much defiance in her as Elaira has (imagine a touchy female s'Ffalenn, or even a repeat of Glendien's fire), but I can still see her mixed up with the Koriani somehow.

I think you got something there… However Selidie has long had her machinations about achieving a succesor with the blood of the former high kings, and through Arithons daughter, she would have at least 2 high king blood lines present. My theory is that Arithons daughter would be taken in for her blood, and not for her mind of service.

On the regards as to what Arithon himself has been doing, then the struggle at Rockfell Peak might not have taken place (as said before: to much good narrative stuff to elaborate upon), I rather think that he went back to his search upon on the oceans again.

originally posted by Sundancer

Hi Nicklas

I've just been re-reading the first book - so I have it to hand! You are quite right that the last of the King's Tower, Daelthain, crumbled during the rebellion, but it cracked in the Second Age when Marin Eliathe was murdered. You have to go to the glossary to find out that Marin Eliathe was Paravian and died in Second Age 1542.

Anyone want to speculate on the assassin?

originally posted by Craftsman

[Ware SPOILERS for entire series all the way through to Initiate's Trial!]

With regards to Arithon's daughter becoming Prime Matriarch, I would have thought that, to an extent, her inherited nature would be a boon. The Koriani screen their candidates for potential - there is a scene of them doing this in SF - and so a candidate for Prime Inheritance would receive different treatment and training than one destined for say, first or second rank. A candidate for Prime Inheritance would require a large degree of independence, huge inner strength, and a strong, questioning mind - after all, the Prime has ABSOULUTE CONTROL over the entire Koriani order! If she doesn't have these traits, then the Koriani would stagnate and falter under her rule, something that could never be allowed to happen.

As to the assassin, who was around in that time? Paravians, Fellowship Sorcerers, Drakespawn and Drakes…
I think the Fellowship are out of the question, and with our wondrous Tale-spinner's gift of words, I think if it had been remnant Drakespawn doing the killing it would have been 'murder' or something similar, rather than 'assassination'. However, perhaps it could have been a renegade Drake?
Also, in Kewar tunnel, it is said that Paravians could be overcome by despair, so perhaps it was a Paravian who was not in their right mind - one who had given up all hope?

[Quotes Lisa]
"Just wondering if in the vision of Arithon and the unicorn, Athiliel's (sp?)defence spell was activated or if it was something else? We could have just assumed that it was activated in defence because at the time of the vision that was all we knew the sword could do… we now know that there is much more to it than that."
You are quite right. Throughout the entire Alliance of the Light arc we are constantly having our impression of Alithiel changed. Revelation follows revelation as to the nature of the blade, and what it can do - it stands to reason that we don't know all that there is to know.

Lastly, Dave, I don't think that Janny has 'done a Janny' as you put it. The fragments are not written like Dakar's visions normally are, and are done in the style of the normal narrative. I think the perspective and style of writing would be different if it was a vision.
Also, we have 400-500 more years to play with, and only approx. three more books to cover them in… we have to make a jump into the future somewhere.

(Message edited by admin on January 11, 2009)

originally posted by Trys

I edited the above post to correct the character problem. When entering text in word processor, such as Word, characters (i.e., apostrophes, quotes, and ellipses) get formatted. That is quotes and apostrophes get slanted and … gets turned into a single ellipses character. These are not part of the character set that HTML understands and so they get displayed as question mark in a black diamond (or was it a square?) .


originally posted by Sundancer

Continuing with the Riathan Paravians and the unlikelihood of Arithon being gored - remember Elaira's reaction when she is touched by a unicorn? I can't recall which book - Peril's Gate?

The Riathan Paravians channel the prime vibration directly through their horn - I can't see a goring/violence by the joyous music that is Ath - must be Dakar's perception and our knowledge at the time.

originally posted by Angela Bawden

Here's a thought - in Spoiler one, a Promise between the Koriathain and the Fellowship was being called due, and it seems this is about the same amount of time that will have passed since Stormed Fortress. So, There is obviously a promise/agreement that went on soon after the end of Stormed Fortress…and somehow there is a young Drake to deal with…and there were drake wars…and now there is need for Lyssayer to have a ward for his sanity again, implying that Arithon is returning to proximity after a long absence…
Would it be too far of a stretch to say that the drakes forces cooperation between all parties in Athera? And that now that the threat has (nominally) passed the Koriathain are calling in an oath that would require the returning of Arithon to the continent (or back from wherever he was)? I wouldn't put it past the witches to risk world war again in order gain more power.

originally posted by DarthJazy

would it be unheard of to say that arithon has just been wondering around again doing what bards do? and im curious if we will get to see arithons daughter or we just start dealing with her off springs?

originally posted by Hellcat

Thought on re-reading the snippet:

Janny doesn't state where in Initiate's Trial this snippet comes from, I'd be slightly surprised if it came from near the beginning, since there are quite a few developments from the end of Stormed Fortress. Perhaps we are going to get an abridged history of that time gap in book… so we will get to find out what Arithon has been doing in detail.


I would certainly be upset if we never got to meet Arithon's daughter, and if this is 200 yrs after SF she would either be dead of have here life extended somehow (both of which seem like fairly major steps in the plot)


Hey, Hellcat!!!

originally posted by Hellcat

Wave from Lurker's Corner, somewhere in Davien's library

originally posted by DarthJazy

Wave from one liners sanctum