
originally posted by Dorothy

I've just finished reading Traitor's Knot for the second time and noticed on page 451 (British trade paperback),that the word order of the last sentence seems to be wrong. Should it read "…for the switched-back curves that rose in ascent",not "for the switched-back that curves rose in ascent"?
Not that it spoiled an absolutely excellent book.In fact I missed it first read.
Hope I did right posting this


Dorothy – you caught that one, did you?

So did I but only in time for the US edition - it was keyed in wrong, from a list of changes, I can but suppose, at the time of the British page proofs.

As ever, I appreciate these entries - they all get corrected - and sometimes I haven't caught them yet –

originally posted by Dorothy

No problem, Janny. As I said above, it does not affect the enjoyment of the story.


originally posted by Meredith Lee Gray

Janny, I found a Stormed Fortress error here.


On page 55, during Mearn's conversation with Kharadmon, it says "Mearn stopped his sharpening, brown eyes intense…" That raised a red flag, because I'm pretty darned certain Mearn's eyes are grey (in fact, later in the book on p 226, that's confirmed). And, anyhow, Kharadmon's are green. So, just thought you'd want to know about that blip. :slight_smile:


originally posted by Derek Coventry

Well spotted Meredith, and you reminded me of an error I made in the far distant past when writing a tender loveletter to a girlfriend. I praised her beautiful brown eyes. Unfortunately for me her eyes were blue and the error was unforgivable. In my defenceshe was a brunette!
I learnt from it.

originally posted by Hunter

I do recall reading early in the novel of SF that Dakar was happily riding beside the Skyshiels when suddenly he apparently turned into the Tiriac foothills…

originally posted by Meredith Lee Gray

Hunter's right.






In the subchapter that starts on page 68, Dakar is working his way down along the Skyshiels, and in the triplet at the end of that chapter, the Koriani pick up his prophecy through the quartz vein in the Skyshiels. But on page 70, it does mention him pressing his mount 'deep into the Tiriac foothills.'

Nice catch Hunter, you obviously are more familiar with the fine points of Atheran geography. I'm always having to flip back and worth with "Wait, where is that?"


originally posted by Hunter




Or he could just be a very fast rider… the subsequent passage has him catching a boat at the river delta mouth downstream from Pellain.

Janny has gone to a lot of trouble to draw the map, the least we can do is actually examine it and see where people are going… :smiley:

I wonder if the map contained with book 1 of Arc IV will still have the Scarpdale grimward and desert markings. I'm presuming that along with disposing of the grimward the Seshkrozchiel was able to restore the Scarpdale landscape to its former glory?

originally posted by Tygrr


I have been rereading TWoLaS for probably the 10th time, which I tend to do either before or just after a new book in the series comes out, or I can't find anything else interesting enough to read. As I was reading Grand Conspiracy, on page 360 in the first paragraph of the page, I noticed something that didn't make much sense to me. I read that just before dawn, in the west there was a 'setting white sliver of moon.' If the sun rises in the east, and the moon is in the west, then it should be nearly full, as the shadow of it would be facing away from view. For a sliver of a moon to be setting, it would have to be near sunset as well. Or is Athera somehow different? If so, how?

originally posted by Laneth Sffarlenn

For a moon to be setting, it would be closer to daybreak.
Also, a moon follows the same path across the sky as the sun, so it stands to reason that the moon would be 'setting' in the west.

And - the "sliver of moon" would be dependent upon the phase of the moon at the time, and its visibility doesn't have any relation to the position in the night sky that the moon is at at any point - if it's a gibbous, waxing, waning or full moon when it rises and is riding it's zenith, then it will be a gibbous, waxing, waning or full moon upon moon-set as well.

(and when Janny says, "just before dawn, in the west there was a 'setting white sliver
of moon" she isn't meaning that the moon sets in the west, as the sun rises in the west.

I believe that the entire world is facing dawn, with a regular sunrise in the east, however the reader is directed towards the west where a sliver of moon is observed to be setting.

originally posted by Tygrr

A sliver of a moon means, that mostly the dark side of the moon is facing the planet, and that the lighted part of it would be facing away. But that also means that the moon would be almost in between the planet and the sun.

A full moon would be where the planet was nearly between the sun and moon. Thus if the sun is in the west, the full moon would be in the east and vice versa.

That's why only a new moon can cause a solar eclipse and only a full moon can be part of a lunar eclipse. So for the moon to be in the opposite side of the sky, it would have to be closer to full, as more of the lighted part of it would be facing us.

As the phase of the moon changes, it's time for rising and setting changes also, and does not correlate to sunrise and sunset. A new moon rises near the same time as sunrise, give or take an hour or two. A full moon rises roughly the same time as sunset. Again, give or take a few hours. Of course, the season shits things a bit as well.

originally posted by Laneth Sffarlenn

lol, ye're right. Perhaps I'm out of my depth here :wink:

Best our lady Janny answer ye here, or someone more experienced in fantasy cosmology? *lol*

originally posted by Tygrr

Yeah…I pay way too much attention to the moon here on Earth…the sky has always intrigued me!

originally posted by Tygrr

OOOPPSSS!!! Here I am in the 'Typos' category and I made a doozy!!! I meant to say shifts but I left out the f. The sentence should read:

Of course, the season shifts things a bit as well.

Sorry everybody!!!

originally posted by Laneth Sffarlenn

Now that's cruel irony! :smiley:

Tygrr - Hi! - thanks for your very sharp question. Not a typo, in this case, here's my intent. Althain Tower is at the edge of a waste, with a range of mountains to the west. The horizon line there on clear nights is very defined. Setting, as it ducks beneath the horizon, a near full moon would show as a silver just before it disappeared.

I agree with you, I could have made that more plain in the word choice.

Hope you are enjoying the new discoveries that a reread is designed to unearth.

originally posted by Tygrr

Duh…now I get it! I should have thought about that! I definitely skipped over the more obvious answer. Sorry!!!

Tygrr - no apologies needed! Certainly I appreciate the pointers. Then I can make a correction those times I get stuck eating crow.

originally posted by Annette

I was recently looking at the ages of certain things and events in the WoLaS series and although I now realise with the latest reprints Janny has changed the age of Ithamon to 19,000 years and Alithiels forging to 18,000 which puts it in the second age, we still seem to have a few anomalies with dates in the series. I am not sure how many reprints of the newer books there were so will put the date of mine, they all have the new UK covers, but there could be newer versions. I was not actually re-reading the series looking for this so might have missed a few things.

Curse of the Mistwraith (2004) pg 160
"Boy, your sword was forged ten and a half thousand years past, expressly for war against the Khadrim."
Does this one need to change to eighteen thousand?

Grand Conspiracy (1999) pg 50
Only this time, they would be compelled to the act of mass slaughter in full cognizance, causation set into a lens of awareness refined by ten thousand years of arcane wisdom.
Should that be eighteen thousand as well?

There is also a reference in the ParaviaWiki concerning how long the Sorcerers have been on Athera that could be taken as misleading.

"At the start of the story, they have been on Athera for over ten thousand years, since Second Age 1."

There were lots of variations in the glossary of each book. Some had the dates changed and some did not and some had a part change that still made no sense. If you want all the references I can do them. Apologies if this was all changed in the latest reprints, I only brought all my newer versions late last year, so would have thought they would have been current.

Annette: e mail me a list with the edition and page number. I will check them against the files here.

It's one of those things: I've sent correction lists and sometimes they've been dropped into the void - I had THOUGHT I had caught all of them in the new printings…if not, a list by e mail that I can print out with edition and page lets me flag and double check…

I appreciate the heads up. Sometimes things slip by; other times, things are bang on (like the person who pointed out, grin, the AVERAGE high king's reign - they thought that a goof…wasn't. So did a long time past copy edit flag Dakar's age for the West Gate Prophecy - that wasn't wrong, either…

But there have been errors and once, even, a major typo that left off an entire digit.