That time of year

originally posted by Trys

Hi all,

I just uploaded Don's and Janny's holiday card. Enjoy!


originally posted by Konran

That's adorable. :smiley: Thanks as always for the good wishes, Janny (and Don of course!) Hope you guys have a wonderful Christmas!

originally posted by Hellcat

I really like the pun, my Mum (who is a connoisseur of bad puns) was also suitably appreciated.



originally posted by Mark Stephen Kominski

Just chiming in to add my voice to the Christmas Choir, as well. Merry Christmas to Paravians Great and Small! :wink:

originally posted by Mark Stephen Kominski

And while we're at it, a Happy 2009 to all, laden with new Wurtsian offerings…:slight_smile:

originally posted by Mark Stephen Kominski

Haven't visited this thread in a while…shame on me! A belated Merry Christmas to all of you, and my best wishes for a happy, healthy 2015 (that witnesses the arrival of Destiny's Conflict!).

originally posted by Auna

Happy Holiday Season!