Stormed Fortress: Status Updates

originally posted by neilw

I don't mind not knowing the dates :smiley: …content to wait…

But I'd sure to interested to know the title of Arc 4 :smiley:

originally posted by Hunter

Sensational… congrats Janny.

Thanks, all - cover art's included in the contract's language.

originally posted by Hellcat

Hellcat purss with happiness from the depths of her Library chair.

originally posted by Blue

The only problem I can see with Janny's announcement is whether or not she's going to have enough cheese to go with all the "whine" that is going to start on this board. :wink:

Good news, Janny, and thanks!! :smiley:

originally posted by HJ

Great News!


Well done Janny

originally posted by Mark Timmony


Congratulations Janny!

VERY EXCITING!!! :smiley:

originally posted by Wolfhunter

Well done Janny.
It must be reassuring knowing where you are going from here.
Just one question. Why don't you just do the complete print with Harper Collins and distribute worldwide from here. Why do you actually have to go through this whole drama again to print in the US.
Not that I ever get my books from US publishers, as I live in Australia and it seems Harper Collins have been very loyal publishers over the years. It is just a point of interest.
And to Blue, you may be disappointed but nobody is game to whine now! This is only starting to wind up when we start getting page counts, snippets and the like and we all transform into a pack of hungry wolfs.

originally posted by Hunter

Wolfhunter - the book publishing game is very country specific. Contracts are for specific countries only - which can be both good and bad. It does allow Janny to publish with Meisha Merlin in the US, Harper Collins for UK/Aust/NZ and others elsewhere.

The contracts cover the UK, Australia and NZ.

HarperCollins US and HarperCollins UK make their publication decisions separately.

originally posted by Trys



and we all transform into a pack of hungry wolfs.

That oughta keep you busy… of course since you are part of 'we' that might explain the propensity that canines have for chasing their own tails. <grin>


originally posted by HJ

Ho ho Trys! Very funny!

originally posted by breathe

This may not be the appropriate topic for this post, but what the hell…

Even though I'm probably the only person on this board not to have read TK yet (well, at the time I was reading Kate Elliot - and those who've read them know how in-depth they are - once I'd finished them I started again on Mistwraith, which I thoroughly enjoyed - kept reading bits, thinking "I must remember that!" So now I'm up to Ships with another 5 delicious books to devour…), I'll still say a resounding CONGRATS to Janny for the new deal, and a HUGE THANKS for sharing your vision with us. :smiley:

A couple of questions, though, arising from Mistwraith…
1) Why don't we hear more about Verrain? Is his duty at the swamp all-encompassing, so that he's unable to leave it to help the F7 with anything else? And whose apprentice was/is he, since it mentions he's been one for more than 600 years?
2) Why the hell does Asandir put up with Dakar's excesses - is it that there are too few with the ability to become spellbinders? Surely if the Koriani can teach anyone they take in, the F7 can find others as well?

I hope too that we'll be hearing more about Ciladis either in TK or the next volume (and please don't spoil it for me if he IS in TK).

Looking forward to Monday morning on the train, which is the only time I get to read lately…


originally posted by Sean Monahan

1. It mentions in the character list at the back of the novels that Verrain was the apprentice of Luhaine.

2. I assume because of Dakar's gift of prophecy.

originally posted by breathe

Thanks. I was beginning to think I'd somehow inadvertantly killed the topic…

:smiley: Happy 4th of July! :smiley:

originally posted by Hunter

Asandir has had to put up with Dakar's excesses… seems like a lot to put up with for a few bits of prophesy…

I wonder how Verrain handled years of Luhaine's stuffy, boring lectures on magecraft?

originally posted by Maria 'borg

Congratulations Janny!

I’m happy for you and for myself. It feels much safer to know that at least the next two books will be published (though I fail to see how any publisher could *not* want to publish your work!)


originally posted by Wolfhunter

Hi Trys,
that was a lovely comment about tail chasing and surely got a laugh from everyone.

But then again, fancy that coming from you, is a gryphon not a wolverine type with wings to flutter about and doing airborne tail chases?

At least I admit to being a wolf in the pack and proud of it. If we would not for ever chase our prey, Janny would never finish her books!!

And thanks for the info regarding the publishing business, I thought we were steering toward a global community. Maybe by the time Janny publishes her last book in this mammoth story, it may be published globally by one publisher. Wishfull thinking.

originally posted by Trys


is a gryphon not a wolverine type with wings

No indeed!! <big_grin> A gryphon has the body of a lion (feline) and the head and talons(front legs) of an eagle… so no canine-tail-chasing. As to chasing, gryphons spend much of their time chasing sheep, unless friendly natives supply fresh mutton. :wink:


originally posted by Auna

After reading TK, you should understand why Dakar is 'put up with'.