Song of the Mysteries Status Updates

Janny has left an update on Twitter.

Another update on how Song of the Mysteries is progressing.


Latest update from Janny.

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Thanks, Annette, for posting the updates from Janny’s Twitter feed! Her primary computer is frozen in time to a specific web browser version that is no longer compatible with the forum, so she can only post here directly from Don’s computer. We will eventually solve the tech issue, but the writing always takes precedence.

Thanks for the update on Janny’s PC woes Brian, she was always so regular updating the forum I figured something had gone wrong.

A snippet I missed from facebook. Comes with a new sketch!

Another update from Janny on Twitter.

Another update from Janny, posted on Twitter.

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Thanks for the updates Janny; looking forward to the finished product.

Thanks to Annette for forwarding the updates for those of us who don’t tweet.

Janny is up to 971 draft pages, be a bit more now.

And a bit more info on facebook

Janny just posted this on Facebook …

Song of the Mysteries draft progress update: Closing in on the last scene on chapter 14 set today, this one will explode a few heads… Last Stage of Finale kicks off in Set 15, so, nearer and nearer to closure.

Janny still has some technical issues connecting to the forum from her main computer, but here is an update from Twitter:


“where it all comes to a head and plays out”

That really raises the excitement level.

After rereading the 2nd preview and the latest responses to it, I felt renewed curiosity to see what follows. The idea that the final arc is almost complete is thrilling.

I don’t see how it can be done in just one volume.

Well, back to waiting quietly in the background, for now…

Oh, and thanks again to those who share the updates!

Janny’s latest update:

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I’m really glad to read these updates Janny. Makes me want to reread everything so i can appreciate it better. Even though I really don’t have the time right now. Probably the series will keep me company through the long, gloomy UK winter.

Hello forum!

I realize I have been scarce…my old equipment failed to access this forum as modern times outpaced what it could do. I had planned to limp along and finish Song of the Mysteries on that aged machine, and make the switch between books, but, fate and the gods of tech had other ideas…the old desktop got creaky last week and nothing could save it. I have spent the past week migrating the data onto a spiffy new unit and getting that to work with a ten year jump in platform has been - rather fun (understatement!) More of the You Live in Interesting Times variety.

However - here I am!

You’d be asking - where is the book? I have draft through chapter 15 main, and am putting the tension on that section/with 15’s subchapters heavily notated and - yes there will be a 16th set to wrap it - those bits are All heavily notated and planned.

The draft page count is: 1060 up to the minute…it’s paused there temporarily as the work I am doing is Hand Marked on the manuscript print out (shift in equipment so I didn’t stop working entirely).

What is to come? Once I get through the last subchapters of 15, the denouement (16 set) ought to go very fast.

One did not expect Major Equipment Failure, but there you go - modern times! I get by with the Help of My Friends, and seriously, Suman and Brian, I owe you a huge tip of the hat! You both kept me sane, and no question. I have not pulled out quite all of my hair, thanks to you both!

The good news is I am reconnected - so if you have questions, fire away.

When I hit End of Draft, then, we’ll see about a new preview clip!


Glad to see the hardware upgrade seems to have gone well, looking forward to more updates. :slight_smile:

An update from Janny.