Notes and thoughts while reading the book

originally posted by Trys


My take on Raitt Raven is that he was very intelligent and very capable and, as is often the case, just a little too full of himself. He wanted power, he reached for power and he got caught unawares… even as Lysaer himself did. In the case of Raitt, he should have known better as he was not without knowledge of and ability in the more esoteric arts. But I suspect he wanted out at the end but just could not see past his beliefs to accept Arithon's help.


originally posted by Hellcat

OOOOPS almost forgot the SPOILERS!

I was suprised that Raiett was in colusion (if not an initiate of) the Kralovir. Really suprised because I'd expected him to have a similar integrity to Sulfin, even prehaps to help Sulfin root out that power.

Question to Janny. Was Raiett a willing colaborator with the Necromancers or was he overpowered in some way? (that question is simplistic but more information on Raiett would be interesting.)


Hellcat - You Asked.


Raiett was a powerful, discerning character. The fact he "fell" so swiftly was, case in point, a shock tactic to demonstrate how DANGEROUSLY INVASIVE and SWIFT the cult's incursive working actually was.

I didn't have a lot of "page length" to waste here, on this one. (reason for many of the scenes, done as "clips" - to Demonstrate a close relationship, or a basis of departure for a MORE powerful scene later on. The later scene would not have had the "kick" or the "depth" to it, without the revealing intimacy of the earlier foundation. So some scenes were close to the bone 'revealing' to get you into that level of emotional intimacy)

WHY was Raiett vulnerable - one must look at what he believed, in close concert with his motivation - WHY he chose to become Lysaer's officer to begin with.

originally posted by Rebel


What a heart-racer! Almost finished the first quick read of the book and have come across some niggling questions. I don't remember these things being mentioned in previous books, so was hoping someone could assist. Firstly, in TK we are introduced to Barach who is Jieret's second son. I understood Jieret had two sons. Can anyone enlighten me as to what happened to his first son? He doesn't seem to get a mention. Did I miss something in a previous book?

Also, Feylind and Fiark having children! Ohgosh! When did the time fly? Seriously, how much time has elapsed between last we had serious contact with those two and TK?

The necromancers were such an unexpected twist to the plot - although in retrospect, Janny had been leaving clues throughout previous books. Oh what a devious mind Janny! It intrigues me, though, why they didn't strike before now. Was Lysaer the only 'vehicle' that would have satisfied their purpose?

Only a couple more pages to get through before I start the slow absorbing re-read.


originally posted by Hellcat

My take on Raiett.

IIRC from GC when we meet Raiett he is in awe of Lysaer's statesmenship. He is not worried whether or not Lysaer's cause is just. Instead what intrests him is what Lysaer can do with power and what he can do in conjunction with it. Nor does Lysaer seem worried about Raiett's motives. His obvious usefullness outweighs that.

Raiett is drawn by the uses of power and knowledge and will use what tools he had to hand, like the Dragon skulls. That gives the necromancers a postive hook for him, their power is useful. I would also guess that Raiett's natural talent would aguement any power he would gain from dark rituals and possibly make him more susceptable to becoming a cats-paw


originally posted by MJW

And another line
And a third for the charm…

Some random and semi incoherent questions that Traitor's Knot has stirred up…

Although the Kralovir cult has been destroyed, have we really seen the back of them, or of necromancy in general? Given that Janny does nothing without reason (normally several of them at once) what is the destruction of the cult setting the stage for?

How come some of the necromancers managed to survive for millenia? What kept the F7 from intervening earlier, in a similar way to their intervention with the canon at Alestron? Particularly given Kharadmon's ruthlessness in dealing with cultists (sorry for the misquote)?

Why are iyats? Is there a stronger relationship between them and the wraiths on Marak than we've guessed previously? For example, were the iyats the spark of inspiration someone used to come up with Desh'Thiere?

Is there a link between necromancy and Desh'thiere?

originally posted by skeoke

spoiler 1
spoiler 2
spoiler 3
test test test

IIRC, kralovir the width and breadth of the continent were prepared to receive Arithon's, I don't know, death/spirit… The Sorcerers were only in 3 cities. Do you think they incinerated all the kravolir?

What kept the F7…
– free will
– compact to protect Athera and the Paravians, not to keep mankind from screwing up. (well, until it directly impacted on the other.) IIRC, black powder had been directly mentioned in the compact (lots of inferring here, actually) as being a direct fore-runner of Calum Kincaid's Great Weapon.

Iyats – 'cause they were so much fun with Dakar? And even more fun with the Waystone?
Inspiration for Desh'Thiere - I like that!

Last question – too much for me. I'll bow out now and leave that to my betters.


To answer one of your questions on Janny's behalf (since I made the same enquiry by email at one point):


You asked about the s'Valerient family tree.

We know from PG that Barach inherits the Earl of the North title, while Jeynsa becomes Caithdein of Rathain.

TK points out that Barach is Jieret and Feithan's second son.

You're quite right that Jieret and Feithan had two sons and a daughter (FP).

Janny's choice of Barach to inherit a title emphasizes that the clans aren't obliged to have the eldest inherit (instead the one that merits it most inherits: case in point, Alestron with Sevrand as Bransian's heir).

Just to clear things up, you haven't missed anything. All three s'Valerient heirs are still among the living. Janny says the eldest is among the clans "somewhere in Rathain." :smiley:

Strakewood, Deshir. Naturually.

originally posted by John Parsons


I can't find any mention of it on the board, has anybody else read the reference to Enithen Tuer in the Glossary?
Now that raises some interesting questions about Elaira!!!


originally posted by Trys


Makes you realize that the glossary isn't there for window dressing. :wink: If you go back and read that entry for CotM you will see that it is different. It is been pointed out, obliquely within the story to be sure, that Elaira can gain release from her vows by Fellowship intervention. The woman who was burned and aided Arithon in Jaelot was an indication of this as well.


originally posted by Hunter

The main issue has been the Fellowship trying to get Elaira to *ask* them for intervention as she's been labouring under the assumption that she *can't* ask them.

originally posted by Dorothy

I noticed that too, John and went back to read the scene where Elaira meets Enithen Tuer in COTM. And sure enough- it's plain with hindsight, that Enithen Tuer was originally bound to Koriani service. Elaira is referred to as "the younger enchantress". Very subtle, Janny!

originally posted by Trys

I don't think Elaira is laboring under the assumption that she can't ask. I think it's that it's never occurred to her than the option exists. If it had the hints she's gotten would have turned on the light bulb and she'd be free of her vows.


It's those little things that make re-reading these books such a pleasure. It's not just for refreshing the memory but to actually learn something new, that was there the whole time.


originally posted by Sandtiger

To me, it's a matter of personal thought and circumstance - the thought of being free of her vows is such an impossibility to Elaira, that hints in that vein go right over her head.


originally posted by Trys




originally posted by Hunter

Trys - I think we're in agreement - Elaira doesn't believe she can ask, so she doesn't. All hints to the contrary aside.

One wonders given Arithon's acquaintance with the scarred lady in Jaelot and also Enithen Tuer at the start of CotM why **he** doesn't suggest it to her! OTOH, if she was freed by the Fellowship, then Selidie would hunt her down - either Arithon or the Fellowship would have to look after her. She's arguably safer at this point in time - while Selidie continues to use her as a tool to get Arithon - than outside of the Koriani.

originally posted by Dancing Tofu


Just finished. Wow. Time to hand it off to the boyfriend who has been graciously waiting for me to finish.



originally posted by Dancing Tofu

I've been up all night at work, so I am singularly unfit for my own challenge, but no one's done a reader's write-up of this superb book over at (I tried, but then worried that my gibbering would only frighten people away.)



originally posted by Wendy Collett

Just reading through the iyat storm section again, and was wondering, Janny, if the inspiration for the scene came from that hurricane you had over there, a few months ago?

Or had you already gone past this section when the hurricane visited?

