New Books in Germany ?

originally posted by Marcel

Hi Janny,

Do you know now dates when come your books to us ?
I hope it, then i love yout Books.

PS: Will come a Part 4 from Zyklus of Fire?

The End vpn Book 3 is … not so good. Its open :frowning_face:

Hello Marcel -

I have a fourth volume of Cycle of Fire in outline, but it's not in schedule to write, yet.

As to when more books come to you - that depends on finding a publisher willing to contract for the translation.

I hope for it too! As I turn in Stormed Fortress, that will open up new possibilities, as there's a lot of culminating action to the story's third arc - which will leave a symmetrical feel to what's done so far.

originally posted by Marcel

I don’t understand the publischer Blanvalet. Your (and Raymond Feists) Kelewan Saga sell they very good (I read again Book 4 (Servant of the Empire 2 [Zeit des Aufbruchs])

Will come about Kelewan new Books?
I think the story of Lady Mara isn’t complete telled :smiley:

(I hope when come a new Book - That Mara and Kevin married …)

But: Was it Intention that all Names from the (most) Kelewan-Humans are similarly Japanese and from Midkemia-Humans German/English ?

Marcel - the naming in Kelewan was a mix of Japanese and Aztec - yes, by design.