Last names for characters

originally posted by Cheryl Detmer

Hi Janny, I was wondering how you guys come up with last names for your characters. I'm having fits with last names. I immediately know their first names and I feel they tell me that much when I first see them but I don't get any feel of any last name. I have to figure that out I guess but I can't figure out how it works for last names. I think my hero just doesn't have a last name since he disowned his parents. I just wonder what some of my other characters last names are. My dad said that they didn't have last names back then. They went by their titles. I've just been wondering how to find last names for them. Thanks so much, Cheryl

Cheryl – I think every author has to do this for themselves. Last names are a cultural form of identity, so to my logic, the way a last name "happens" would be specific to your story's world and culture…so, it becomes a matter of doing your creative homework as to how your character's world works.

originally posted by Cheryl Detmer

Thanks Janny. It's pre-medieval so I guess that will be the study I do. Thanks.