Initiate's Trial: Second Sneak Preview

originally posted by Konran

Lucky thirteen

originally posted by Blackrock


Would love to hear more of Arithon, Davien (and the dragon) and of course Elaria's confrontation with Seldie!

originally posted by Brittani

HA!! We Rock!

The Furious 5 have nothing on us!

Who wants to play the big fat panda. I got dibs on the old turtle! (I know Clanny understands me. Anybody else have kids?)

I am voting for somthing with Dakar…

originally posted by Jeff

Here's 15.

I don't say much, but I read messages when I see them in my email.

I suppose those who post messages are just the tip of the iceberg; lurkers below the surface.

originally posted by Dave

Yo count me in at 16

Starts Chant "Janny we want another snipit please" "Janny we want another snipit please" "Janny we want another snipit please" "Janny we want another snipit please" "Janny we want another snipit please" "Janny we want another snipit please"

getting sore throats janny please hurry…

originally posted by Sarah


here's to the lurkers. And here's to those at the tip of the iceburg who provide us with some excellent reading.

originally posted by Kirsten Laurelle Wallace

My bestfriend, who isn't on here and isn't lurking, also would like to be counted among the legion.

originally posted by Mark Stephen Kominski

Need I say more?

*Moves a few here, asks others to stand together over there, retrieves baton and steps to the podium*

Ah 1, 2, 3, 4…

*in perfect SATB*

"Can… anybodyeeeEEE, find MEE-eee-eee-eee, a SNIPPET too-ooh, LUVVVVV"

originally posted by Sundancer

me too - coming out of the lurking to say my brains are boiling and we wanna see Arithon again (or Dakar), add me to the legion… what a Christmas present…

originally posted by seljo

18 (if my count is right)

Lurk daily; still haven't grabbed copy of Stormed Fortress – so not much to say these days.

originally posted by John Parsons

19 (or 20 if we count Kirsten's bestfriend) now!
Let's hope Janny isn't waiting for someone to shout
Darts anyone??

originally posted by Izzy




originally posted by Angora

Here's another long-time lurker crossing her fingers for a snipit. 21!

originally posted by Hellcat

Un Lurks


Pretty please with Cliladis on top!


originally posted by Mark Stephen Kominski

*Grins evily in the Talespinner's direction*

And there's more where they came from…

originally posted by Walt

Har har har! She be gettin' back from 'er piratin' weekend and discover dat 'er forum be shanghied and won' be gibbin back untill we get a wee bit o' a snippit!

Ye argh!

[evil cackling ensues]

Holy Smokes! All those lurkers, delurking! What a homecoming from a great weekend away…!

Thanks for all the good cheer.

A sneak preview will be coming…maybe two, but the other will be hidden. :smiley:

One of the requests - granted: the hidden snippet is posted…

originally posted by Laneth Sffarlenn


I don't have time to search…

Hopefully my Aussie Ally Mark is watching and will let me know soon :smiley:

BTW Janny - thanks :smiley: How's things with ye as ye descend into the darker months of your year?

originally posted by Sarah

I think I've seen a snippet… would it be round about page 56 sentence 5?