German eBooks? Now good news?

originally posted by Marcel

Hi, ist me again.

Now i try to read your first Book (which I read in German) in english. But Logical, in my language was it more fun and easier :wink:

Have you maybe good News for your German-Fans?
Maybe eBooks in German? "Normal Books", I think will never come out more from you in Germany :frowning_face:

German Publishers was very craven now.

Book 1 and 2 from Robin Hobbs Rainwild-Chroniles come, 3 + 4 not. LOL?! Third Saga about Fitz and Fool … Not :frowning_face:

Raymonds last 6 Midkemia Books … not. LOL?!

Your Books … not. Only 10 (i believe, in english it was 6 oder 7)

I think, our only hope was eBooks. I hope you have good News …

originally posted by Marcel

One Idea:

Kickstarter. Maybe is this a Chance?

I have no good news; if the series was to be finished out in German, they split each book into 2. So, you'd have (by now) twenty books, with two more upcoming…I wish I had better news, and the reader backing to make this go.

originally posted by Melanie Trumbull

to confirm one of your questions.
Your ten German titles (Wars of Light and Shadow, Schattenkriege) correspond to five (5) English titles.

This is how it appears to me, I have not read the German books, only looking at titles and cover art.

English: Curse of the Mistwraith equals
German Nebelgeist/Schatten, + Herr des Lichts

English: Ships of Merior equals
German Die Schiffe von Merior + Die Saat der Zwietracht

English: the Vastmark battle book equals
German Die Streitmacht von Vastmark + Das Schiff der Hoffnung

English: Fugitive Prince equals
German Die Ruckkehr des Nebelgeistes + Jager und Gejagte

English: Grand Conspiracy equals
German Die Verschworung des Lichts + Spiel der Schatten

and that is the end of the German translations.
The English books go on, as we know, with:

Peril's Gate
Traitor's Knot
Stormed Fortress
Initiate's Trial

and these are all the books in print at this posting.

Melanie's list is correct.