Back to writing, again

originally posted by Sandtiger


Congratulations Janny!!!


originally posted by Cheryl

That's great Janny and I love that Julie edits the book the short story will appear in. It sounds intriguing just the title alone. Sandtiger watching for your story in August I'll be at the shelves looking for Julie's short story book. Can't wait.

originally posted by George

Have you guys ever tried KILKENNY? It is an Irish Ale and lighter form of Guiness…Not too bad if you like your frothy beer types…

As for me, I prefer Heineken or VB (Victoria Bitter) it is unfortunate that they don't export VB to the rest of the world… it could really take on

originally posted by Sandtiger


You're more likely to see Summoned to Destiny in September - our actual lauch date is September 18th, and I believe it is being marketed as a fall release.

Of course, that doesn't mean you can't look - or order a copy :smiley:


originally posted by Trys


Please feel free (read that as 'be sure') to post a reminder when we closer to the release date. I don't want to miss the book! :wink:


originally posted by Tamas

Janny - Is 'The Last of Her Kind' a story set in Athera?

Tamas - no, not Athera this time through. Would've been fun, but that's not what was asked for.